Hi all,
I've been reading about the way our bodies can store/hold on to trauma and been trying out some of the exercises suggested (in order to release these things). I'm suprised at what I'm noticing, given that I thought I was a bit of an old hand at this - it seems there is still a lot I don't know about myself!
It seems I'm almost completely disconnected from my body. The exercises suggest things like breathing into certain parts of your body, bringing your awareness into them, noticing how you feel, physically - warm, cold, tingly etc, as well as emotionally - safe, nervous, content, angry and so on. It took me about a week to feel my body at all. As I've started being more aware of it, I've noticed that I ache constantly, I get a lot of headaches and times of feeling sick, I feel like I need to pee almost constantly and I have almost constant pain in my neck, shoulders and hip.
I've been trying to connect with my body more and 'feel' myself - the book suggests focusing on how your body feels doing every day activities and noticing the wind, sun, rain etc on your skin and so on. I find it difficult to manage this for more than thirty seconds before my mind gets busy again. This in turn has made me realise how much I live inside my head - it's almost constant, and I find it very difficult to feel instead of think. The suggestion in the book is that this is all to do with disassociating, and a way of controlling painful or unpleasant events (in the past).
I was just suprised at how little of this I'd noticed. Emotionally, I feel a lot more balanced and stable than I used to. I've been to see an osteopath about my back today and she's given me a bit of a kick start and some exercises to do at home to keep things supple and moving. I'm also seeing an acupuncturist I've seen before to see if she can 'shift' anything with her magic needles!
I just wondered if any of this rings true with anyone else? I really hadn't noticed how much I don't notice my body! I don't spend as much time on myself as I did when I was younger but I think that happens to most people when they have children - time just vanishes and before you know it something you used to do regularly has just stopped happening. It's not so much about how I look, though, as how I feel - I almost feel like my body is just something my head drags around?