Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board
Voicelessness and Emotional Survival => Voicelessness and Emotional Survival Message Board => Topic started by: Overcomer on February 24, 2008, 08:43:18 AM
I remember signing up on this forum when I had finally realized my mom was an N. It was so validating to hear that other people understood what I was going through. I look at my personal messages from people who have since came and went. I remember being VERY dismayed when huge fights would break out and people would storm off. It has happened over and over again with many wonderful safe times imbetween. I have seen where one or two people stir the pot and leave us all to pick up the pieces
I do not think this is a new phenomenon here-yes it is not fun but it is also not something new. I do think some people start to take over the board and this changes the dynamics in that it becomes about one or two people and not the group as a whole. AND there are so many new topics popping up that it is impossible to fully engage in each one. Sometimes I think we should have a private chat room where people can go and visit.
I do think some people start to take over the board and this changes the dynamics in that it becomes about one or two people and not the group as a whole.
I have posted on Laura's thread. Lots of folks have been looking back at old threads 2006 - 2005 - 2004. So I have been clicking on them and reading them.
There is one particular trend -- " Battle for Control of the Board " for what underlying reason, not sure. "Controller / Controlling" maybe??
Having a Voice in any community does not mean it has to be an authority and have the "Lastworditis"
Team Players with mutual and reciprocal acceptance works in any community, real life, or none, is my personal thought.
Sharing with a sense of belonging in a community in being accepted is the basis of healthy interactions -- and healing, recovery and growth.
If one cannot feel accepted or a sense of belonging in an Emotional Survival Community of sharing experiences and insight with support -- then ??
Leah x
Dear Kelly,
For me, the way that I navigate the board is to realize that I would have to deal with ALL types of people ,in every day situations. S/times you are "stuck" with s/one you don't like. Then, you have to find the part of you that can deal with it.
The board is the same. Some people I love, many I like and a few I can't stand. Then,I am challenged to deal with the one's I can't stand ,as I would be in real life. Love Ami
on the issue of "battle for control of the board" I have a comment. Thanks Leah, for pointing that out.
When I have posted things in the past that were misconstrued, and I've tried to explain, it seems that there are always one or two people (maybe trolls), who insist that I had sinister motives in those explanations. At that point I begin falling over myself to PROVE that my motives were pure.
Frankly, I have really worn myself out in defending not only my original posts but also my reasons for posting. I'm still trying to figure out how much is even worth it anymore. SHould I even DARE to post or just sit and lurk and read and say nothing.
For being a "reclaim your voice" board, it often makes me want to BE voiceless here. I'm not sure there is much of a solution based on the types of situations people have come from and the lenses they view life/comments/people through until they heal.
Hi, Kelly,
I'm like Ami in this... feeling like this board is pretty much a slice of life. When someone rubs me the wrong way, I know that I need to look within myself to discover why. And if I feel like someone is trying to control the board dynamics - I may simply not post to her/him.
If there's anything we all can learn here, I believe it's that each one of us can only control her/him-self. There's room for everyone... and those who want to rule the roost will eventually either grow up or leave.
Good to hear your observations, Kelly!
Carolyn: There's room for everyone... and those who want to rule the roost will eventually either grow up or leave.
No, Carolyn. there is not room for everyone at all. There is room for people who come here to tell how awful their life has been (most with good reason), but there is not room for people who are here to tell that there is VICTORY that can be won over things.
It's like people want permission to stay stuck.
For instance, is their room for people who became N's or ill as a result of N's? I guarantee there are N's right on this very board. Is there room for "everyone" no.
All I am saying is that this happens quite often. It is not a new dynamic here. Everyone is welcome but people get frustrated with some people some times and they sometimes call people on it.
I have been called on things a few times and my first impulse is to lash out. Every single time I do that it has gotten me into trouble. Now I try to hear the intent-ask questions-and try to give it some time. I always appreciate it when someone else asks an attacker if they meant to say what they did? I like what Leah suggested. To go back and read some old posts. Look for locked threads. If you want the good old days it will happen again and then get hot again.
Dear Laura,
The way I look at it is that until Dr G kicks you off, you have a place here.If people dont like you, that is THEIR problem. Let them leave. Ami
I would hope there is room for everyone, even people who have become N's because of the abuse they suffered at another N's hands, as long as we're all mutually respectful of one another. That's the only real need I have here.
I'd actually be quite interested in discussing things with a N who is respectful and SOMEWHAT honest. Do they exist? Are there any here?
And I know not everyone feels the same way I do about this part, but it is true for me, I respect people who can express their discomfort respectfully and honestly. I'd rather that than a perpetual honeymoon phase because I find people more poignantly beautiful when they reveal their shortcomings and flaws. But then I find faces weathered beautfiully by life to be more interesting than models.
I'm also a newbie, who hasn't really yet earned my stake in this group, but "I'm just sayin" :)
I'm actually looking forward to getting to know all the characters in this "ensemble cast".
That is true. If you treat people the way you would want to be treated.
I like it!
Especially since I'm not always respectful of myself.
I've also learned over the years, how I treat others, as I would like to be treated doesn't always sit well with others who have different ideas of how to be treated.
I've seen that come up here briefly a few times in the last few days. And it's true of me too. What I find respectful and growthful is considered too aggressive by others.
Here is a thought for Daily Mail and anyone else.
What about those of us who are "faith" people who are taught and choose to believe, that we are not to speak about our flaws, but instead talk about who GOD says we are.
For instance, if a person comes and says "i'm victorious" or "i'm the righteousness of God in Christ, the head and not the tail, above and not beneath. I'm not ill, I'm healed because jesus took my pain on the cross," etc...
Are we wrong because we come to the board and speak victory vs defeat?
Daily mail, you mentioned that you have respect for those who admit their flaws. What if we're taught that we are NOT TO admit flaws, but to confess faith.
When I've spoken positively here, it's because of that very belief. I don't alway stick to it, but I've been doing a bit better. That's how i believe in my "relationship with God"..."whatsoever things are good, honorable, pure, virtuous, of good report, praiseworthy...THINK/SPEAK on these things"
There was a time and still are sometimes, when I admit to struggling with things, but for the most part, I find that it does me no good. It gets some sympathy but it doesn't get me on a healthy path.
Daily mail, you mentioned that you have respect for those who admit their flaws. What if we're taught that we are NOT TO admit flaws, but to confess faith.
I have respect for people who admit their flaws, too... and I am a "faith person". There's a huge difference between admitting flaws and focusing on them, thereby magnifying them. In my opinion, confessing faith and admitting flaws are not mutually exclusive.
That's very interesting. So if you're not flawed, and you don't want sympathy, and you don't want to give voice to your struggle, then what may I ask are you here for?
you don't know how many times I've had to ask myself that very question. I think I stay because a few people asked me to stay here. They say that my words actually help them and they don't want me to go. Plus, God hasn't closed the door on me yet.
Then why don't you save your words for those who want them and leave people like CB and others who don't - alone.
So you're here to help people?
That's a kind and beautiful thing.
And another thing... lol.
Please excuse the reference to Scripture, but it's necessary!
Jesus said, speak to the mountain and tell it to move...
He did NOT say, pretend like the mountain isn't there.
too much flip flopping around here lately...one moment a person is all loving and adoring toward me and then they suddenly defend the enemy. I think I'm going to find a new sandbox now.
G'night all.
(this newbie's confused)
Speaking for myself, I have never either adored you nor despised you.
I've only tried to be honest and direct with you.
Is it adoration you're looking for?
Truly, I believe that you are your own worst enemy.
I KNEW someone would jump when I used that "n-trigger phrase "ADORE" HAH! I think i'm proving something more and more to myself on this board lately.
NO I didn't say I wanted to be adored. I said people flip flop from adoration to attack. Please do not assume things about me nor put words in my "mouth" that I never said.
Thank you.
I'm going to abdicate responsibility for the following post, only because I'm so incredibly sleepy right now, but it's a thought I've had for the last 20 minutes and it isn't going away. Please feel free to take what you find useful and reject what you don't.
In a group therapy-type situation 5 or 6 years ago I was exhibiting behaviours that seemed, oh just a wee bit erratic. I know that inside I felt, oh just a wee bit oversensitive. I FELT the pain and self-doubt that came from being told I came across as a drama queen to others. I took that criticism to heart and tried oh so hard to curb or somehow anticipate it, especially after that same observation became a recurring criticism from my exN. I didn't want to be known as a drama queen, I noticed people didn't take me seriously when I was being one. I was also accused once or twice of being self-righteous and...oh man, don't hate me for this next one...narcissistic.
Imagine how my heart sank. This before I knew what that label actually entailed.
That was during my Nrelationship, it was after the cracks had already begun to show, it was fresh into the state of being undermined and twisted up as a co-narcissist, and it was RIGHT WHEN I was starting to panic the floor was crumbling under my feet if I wasnt hypervigilant about working hard to change myself so I could please my N. All new things to me.
Guess what?????
AFTER having discovered what NPD is, AFTER reading Vaknin's book and feeling like the sun suddenly started shedding reality on my newfound madhouse existence, AFTER breaking up with Mr Vampire, AFTER a few years of intensive therapy in which I revealed all the secrets of my Nrelationship I carried immense shame and guilt over, I came to notice, my dramatics diminished exponentially, I didnt feel this intense urge to scramble around to people to get life-or-death empathy, support, attention, I also didn't feel an urge to preach about what was wrong and what people needed to do to save themselves, I didn't need to convince others I was right in order to save myself from annihilation, the whole world started to slow down and become quieter, and my survival/existence was no longer predicated on connecting with others in order to avoid emotional meltdown. I became far less narcissistic because 'getting from others" wasn't my lifeline anymore.
I don't know if this makes any sense, or if it rings familiar to anyone. But there was something about the madness that my N created in me, and the space between us, that topsy-turvied every emotion I felt, and every way in which I expressed it, and every way in which it was received by the world around me.
There's something really...viral about it. It affects more than just the respiratory system. It gets into a number of systems that connect us and sustain us with the real world. People who loved me suffered because my attempt to survive my own suffering impacted them in ways I didnt mean but felt oh sonecessary at the time.
sheesh - I wish I was better with words right now, I could be so much more succinct
I watch other people sort of twist in the wind of their own topsy-turviness and feel some deep sadness in my chest for them...and for the me I am still working at returning to normalcy.
I hear you... and I remember, too.
That was very well put... and I believe it applies... and I'll leave off the buts, as long as you know they are there, just absent at the moment.
I've been living in the "buts" stage the entire time, thankfully I'm grappling with them in a warm self-loving lets-get-down-to-the-sweaty-work without the CONSTANT pain, fear and grief finally (emphasis on the word constant, I still feel those things, but thankfully much less frequently and much less intensely). The absence of intense emotion makes the work a wee bit more manageable.
shall we sleep now?
You have a tender heart, dear Daily... and you have clearly humbled yourself along the way toward healing.
Hope you have a peaceful snooze.
Daily Mail,
After reading your post, I started realizing something...if I didn't feel a need to point out what is wrong and to try and help others to change and grow, I wouldn't be on this group most likely. If some of the members here hadn't pleaded with me to stay here, I'd not have.
I'm going to be spending some alone time with God today and I will be pondering "why am I here and why should I stay if I should at all, on this Voicelessness board." If my presence here has become so offensive to some and not a help to others, then i must go elsewhere.
Thank you for pointing this out. Based on responses from some of my threads to people, and based on what the Lord tells me this morning in prayer, my next steps will be determined.
One thing I find interesting...when people that wanted me to stay here, were offered to stay in touch with me through email/phone, etc, really nothing much came of it. A couple private messaged me, one phoned me, but overall, it seems that most people, when I leave the board...it's "out of sight, out of mind" So, that also has me considering if I want to lose contact with certain members forever...if my psyche could handle the withdrawing from that. I just am not sure yet.
Well now, that's an interesting response to my post. What was it I said that lead you to that?
Daily Mail: I also didn't feel an urge to preach about what was wrong and what people needed to do to save themselves, I didn't need to convince others I was right in order to save myself from annihilation,
Your words above are what made me type what I said...made we wonder if I really should leave this place, assuming Dr G doesn't boot me off before I choose to leave on my own that is.
I'm not saying I don't need to learn anything from others here, because every new topic that is posted is of some interest to me...
I'm just tired of people subtly scapegoating me and nobody acknowledging that they did that, or, if they do acknowledge it in one moment, they change their mind the next and then, when I say "hey KNOCK IT OFF. Make up your mind if you are for or against me" then, "I" owe the apology? I don't think so. Something is very wacky and "off" about that.
I have even copied the quotes of people who have victimized me from this group, and still I'm told that I owe the apology. That is just twisted and wrong.
So, on that basis, I'd possibly choose to take the exit door.
By the way, this is why you will often hear people say "I'm sorry that you felt I attacked you, but I didn't." What if the person totally perceived your intentions wrong...does it then make you sound "narcissistic" for not saying "I'm sorry I HURT YOU" when you actually did NOT?
ANother thing to ponder. I cannot give an apology that is not sincere.
I'm confused. I wrote about me and how my behaviours were alienating others or at the very last creating discomfort for them...and how that changed as I started going through the healing process.
I'm still unclear how that has created a desire in you to want to leave.
You sound like you expect others to apologize to you for turning on you (even though I see some saying they haven't done that) and I see others saying they'd like you to consider making an apology for hurting a member who left (even though I see you saying you didn't mean it the way it was said or taken by her).
So you wouldnt feel genuine in saying "That's not what my words meant, but I believe you that they hurt you, and I'm sorry"?
DailyMail, there is no such thing as a narcissist who is respectful, unless he/she wants something from you. Again, N's can NOT love and can NOT be genuine. They are no more a true version of a "human" than a piece of paper or an object of some kind, a doll maybe.
A narcissist is a selfish brat who will use any means overt or covert to get what he/she wants. If "acting" kind by imitation of kind folks around him/her, will get them your help in doing some dastardly deed, they will be the kindest being on the planet, but only till they get sick of you, have what they are aiming for, and/or find the next supply source/helper to let them achieve their goals.
N's are not "nice people in disguise" They are wounded, betrayed, angry, sometimes downright EVIL people who never learned what "nice" and "Love" were.
As I've said many times, only GOD can change a narcissist's heart of stone to a heart of flesh.
I'm feeling a little embarassed now, I apologize. I came here VERY LATE and don't know the players. Are you saying you're a narcissist? In that case I am very sorry, I mistook what was happening. I'm finding this very confusing but I reread your post a few times and I hope I got what you're saying now. I certainly don't intend to step on anyone's toes.
If that is the case then of course you would find it difficult and painful. And my support in doing so would just make it MORE difficult and MORE painful for you. And since it has nothing to do with me, I feel badly that I made anything more painful for anyone.
(((((( DailyMail )))))))
DailyMail, there is no such thing as a narcissist who is respectful, unless he/she wants something from you. Again, N's can NOT love and can NOT be genuine. They are no more a true version of a "human" than a piece of paper or an object of some kind, a doll maybe.
A narcissist is a selfish brat who will use any means overt or covert to get what he/she wants. If "acting" kind by imitation of kind folks around him/her, will get them your help in doing some dastardly deed, they will be the kindest being on the planet, but only till they get sick of you, have what they are aiming for, and/or find the next supply source/helper to let them achieve their goals.
N's are not "nice people in disguise" They are wounded, betrayed, angry, sometimes downright EVIL people who never learned what "nice" and "Love" were.
As I've said many times, only GOD can change a narcissist's heart of stone to a heart of flesh.
The God I know, love , serve, is a God of love, peace, grace and mercy.
That is my God too Leah.
is that "no" directed at me or someone else?
I'm getting ever more confused.
No, I'm not a narcissist, Daily Mail and I was not saying that I was. i"m a person who does not apologize to abusive people.
I read the post this morning from someone to someone, where they said something about how the "ladies probably were too caught up in their own little world..." I simply thought about "own little world" and posed the question based on it.
My nets are just fine, thanks...cause they are HIS nets.
ReallyME, you said:
No, I'm not a narcissist, Daily Mail and I was not saying that I was. i"m a person who does not apologize to abusive people.
OK, I believe you. Would you be willing to help me understand how we got off on talking about that from where we were?
RM said: Your words above are what made me type what I said...made we wonder if I really should leave this place, assuming Dr G doesn't boot me off before I choose to leave on my own that is.
I said: I wrote about me and how my behaviours were alienating others or at the very last creating discomfort for them...and how that changed as I started going through the healing process.
I'm still unclear how that has created a desire in you to want to leave.
RM said: DailyMail, there is no such thing as a narcissist who is respectful, unless he/she wants something from you.
I am starting to feel like I am being tedious,, and I don't mean to be, but I get very confused communicating with you and am trying to "hang in there" until I get what you're saying.
Daily, the best way to take what I say is "literally"
I have been considering whether this board is something I want to continue to pursue, first of all
Secondly, no, I'm not a narcissist...been tested psychologically several times for it and it has been negative every time.
I'm not sure what exactly it is you are wanting to understand. Basically, your post gave me some things to think about so I am.
I guess what I find confusing is the disjointedness between what you are saying, and what others (including me) are saying in response. I want to take you at your word but I don't get how you make the jump from one thing to another. It's as though there are parts of your train of thought that aren't visible in your posts, and they seem to be important parts that would let me know how and where your head/heart are going because you really do take some very sharp turns and I have found myself wondering a few times "how did we get here?"
It's not that I don't believe you, I just don't follow you some of the time.
Is that clearer?
yes it is. I'm so glad you pointed out the "disjointed" word. Perhaps my train of thought has veered off on an odd track. I'm going to have to be slower about my postings or something.
I really try to stay on topic, but in the past, people have often said that I can't seem to do that. I'm wondering if perhaps that's what is happening. I need to keep my posts shorter if so. Thank you for pointing that out.
Carolyn: There's room for everyone... and those who want to rule the roost will eventually either grow up or leave.
No, Carolyn. there is not room for everyone at all. There is room for people who come here to tell how awful their life has been (most with good reason), but there is not room for people who are here to tell that there is VICTORY that can be won over things.
It's like people want permission to stay stuck.
For instance, is their room for people who became N's or ill as a result of N's? I guarantee there are N's right on this very board. Is there room for "everyone" no.
I think there is room for everyone.
I used to not feel that way but by making a commitment to myself to not abandon the board, work through MY issues, not others people's issues, I can learn and grow to accept everyone. That does not mean I will like them but I CAN live peacefully with them.
Just like Ami and Carolyn said if I find myself being brushed the wrong way by someone here then perhaps it is something in me that I need to look at.
The more I heal and embrace my pain as well as humble myself and admit my ego/pride and weak areas the more strength I have to accept others regardless of their glaring N traits or personality, or subtly destructive behaviors.
Lately, I can read posts and watch stuff go by that could be a slight to me or a subtle passive jab and it does not hurt or strike a negative chord with me....................... finally!! That was my goal.
It is not so much the world that needs to be changed as me and my attitudes. That is not an easy thing.
Last week I was overreactive, fed up, exhausted and wrung out emotionally (I sound like my dear friend Ami) but sometimes THAT is what it takes some of us to heal.
This week I have a wonderful sense of peace and for the first time in a long time I actually can see the light at the end of the tunnel of all of my pain.
This morning I woke up with Joy and peace in my heart.
I have no desire to fight anyone (Can you believe it?) It is just gone. YES, there is room for everyone here and for those who do not believe so or feel that there is not room, well, I think they will be the first to leave.
I have respect for people who admit their flaws, too... and I am a "faith person". There's a huge difference between admitting flaws and focusing on them, thereby magnifying them. In my opinion, confessing faith and admitting flaws are not mutually exclusive.
Me too.
When we see ourselves, or the parts of ourselves that we hide from ourselves, then those parts can no longer have power over us. Admitting our faults is a matter of stepping into the light.
((((((((Lise))))))))) it's good to read you.... and especially wonderful to hear of this settled joy and peace you're experiencing!
Me, too :D .... tired, but peaceful and joy-filled!
And I've missed you the past couple days... hope you have a great week.
And my whole point is to say that the board cycles. Fights. Calm times. Always seems like one person freaks out and storms off-never fails. Then there is an equalization. I predict that things will settle down and there will be some calm before the next storm.
And I've missed you the past couple days... hope you have a great week.
Hi Carolyn,
I've missed you too.
I needed time away to nurture myself. I had another awakening on Saturday about my self-hating behavior and it created a psychological shift in me that was huge. I was able to get in touch with that part of self that has been split off, the part of self that hates me because my N mom hated herself and that was the only reality of love that I knew as a child.
Over the years I have learned self acceptance and to love myself but it was this last layer of seeing what felt like the last remnants of self-hatred finally making their way up and out of me.
The darkest hour is just before the dawn.
That's so awesome, Lise... if you are able to put more of this process into words, as time goes by, I'm eager to hear.
My own little milestone came when I picked up the mail on Friday and opened the most recent envelope from my parents without a pang. Okay, so maybe I'm just plain panged out... but it was a relief. And I even read their notes.
Arise, shine, for your Light has come :D
Hugs and love,
Laura-I know you are mad at me and I am not going to convince you not to be. Also I am not going to say anything negative as per Dr Gs request and because you do not deserve it. I wish you love joy patience peace goodness kindness long suffering and self control-I know you have these fruits and I ask for a blessing so big you will not have room to contain it. Peace be with you.
AFTER having discovered what NPD is, AFTER reading Vaknin's book and feeling like the sun suddenly started shedding reality on my newfound madhouse existence, AFTER breaking up with Mr Vampire, AFTER a few years of intensive therapy in which I revealed all the secrets of my Nrelationship I carried immense shame and guilt over, I came to notice, my dramatics diminished exponentially, I didnt feel this intense urge to scramble around to people to get life-or-death empathy, support, attention, I also didn't feel an urge to preach about what was wrong and what people needed to do to save themselves, I didn't need to convince others I was right in order to save myself from annihilation, the whole world started to slow down and become quieter, and my survival/existence was no longer predicated on connecting with others in order to avoid emotional meltdown. I became far less narcissistic because 'getting from others" wasn't my lifeline anymore.
I found this so evocative, a brilliant description.
thank you,
I'm really gonna miss DM.
I was hoping she'd provide thte URL's and stick around.
Jeez. I missed it. Daily Mail left?
I am confused ... what happened?
I got a PM but didn't recognize it as a goodbye.
maybe I'm just plain panged out...
I love this, and hope it stays true for you.
How about a sign like Brinks Security:
Jeez. I missed it. Daily Mail left?
I am confused ... what happened?
Yup. Asked to leave by Dr. G. Not sure exactly why but I'm sure Dr. G had a very good reason.
I do not think he asked her to leave-he wanted her to state who what and where and she would not so then she left. Still confused about the whole thing.
maybe I'm just plain panged out...
I love this, and hope it stays true for you.
How about a sign like Brinks Security:
lol ((((((((((((Hops)))))))))))..... indeed!
Zero exposure to pang creators, now. Only reading those whom I love.
Like you.
Take good care, sweet Hops.
SHE wrote like one, then wrote like a HE,
Hi Izzy,
I can't * see * that, the writing like a "she" and then like a "he"
BTW please don't call me "Butch" again !!! :)
Rest assured, I am a feminine woman, however, I don't do wearing pink .... as I prefer other color's, that match my eyes. :)
Love, Ms Leah :)
Leah, I never doubted your femininity--pink or no pink(lol)
DM flirted like a guy,IMO.
However, the board seems to have gone back to some semblance of normality.
I am not that wise about life, but I am thinking that all groups must ebb and flow, and this one would be no exception.
We have conflicts build up, explode, and the quiet comes,for a while.
I don't know why.
Maybe humans just ebb and flow ,in a certain way.
I need to get wiser about life and maybe, then, could figure things out better. Ami
DM flirted like a guy,IMO.
Gosh, I did not get that at all .......... I am truly hopeless!!
I don't expect I get it in real life either! Which is making me laugh so much. :lol:
Sheltered life has it's drawbacks .... maybe, I now need to do a training course in 'flirt awareness' ? ROFL :lol:
Hope you have a good day ((( Ami )))
Love, Leah
This is complicated-LOL Ami
Hi Izzy
It was the moderator thread, but, which one, as it was spilt into two, I cannot recall, would have to dig.
I was not going to do any 'devilish' or 'mischievous'
It was something like "our patient Leah, you've missed your chance, "Butch"
Which I referred to thinking as Butch.
Tis okay, I am not butch, and certainly never ever been called a bi*ch in my life (well, not to my face, who knows?? he he :) )
All I wanted to say with 3 :) was that I am a feminine woman, divorced, unattached, yes, but not desperate! :)
I love my stress free dom too much!!
No problem, honestly (((( Izzy ))))
Love, Leah
PS > found it ... searched for 'butch' ...
Re: Lack of moderating
« Reply #27 on: February 12, 2008, 01:25:37 AM »
hah heh hah
I did mean sane! Who was baby-sitting while I was gone, anyway????
And Leah, our ever-patient Leah, you were too late Butch!
later aLLl
Love Ixxy
« Last Edit: February 12, 2008, 01:30:50 AM by Izzy_*now* »
Hi Izzy,
I can assure you that no-one has, or could, instruct my mind, to post anything.
All I did was respond with 3 :) :) :) as we both have a sense of humor,
about 5 or 6 posts back now on this thread.
I have only responded in kind to your postings.
Leah x
Hi everybody,
Daily Mail erred and brought a controversy here that had nothing to do with the board and did not belong here. Because it did not belong here and had nothing to do with the board or its members, I am asking everyone to refrain from posting about it, and I am locking this thread. Remember, the safety and integrity of the board is my top priority.