Hi everyone--
Poking a toe back in, about a month now.
I've been reading daily but likely will post shorter and not regularly. In a nutshell, you're each as real and important to me as when I responded every day. Don't know if that means anything but I hope the goodwill merges with all that helps.
My updates:
Submitted a recent poem that I thought was significant and it won second prize in a contest judged by the state's Poet Laureate. Super motivating moment...
Home/ADD, etc:
House is a mess but I've found someone to clean, starting soon. Cheap, thorough and nice. WHEW. Also hired some garden help and for once, all the veggies are planted. Tidied up patio so friends can visit again, irises and some mystery perennial are gorgeous. Hostas woo! (20 ft bed along fence, out of deer reach).
Okay, not fabulous, but I'm relaxing more. Got a grip on the bingeing. Exercise, feh. A bit better, and the shortness of breath is way improved IF I stay relaxed. Frozen (well-chilled) shoulder has been frustrating but seeing doc tomorrow. Less anxious.
Poor man hasn't felt well for weeks. He needs a cardiac ablation and must change his habits. Been worried about him and it turned out, for good reason. Supporting.
Had a few dates and though a second one with one was planned, I tuned into my intuition and thought, I already see/hear red (pink) flags and this hate-the-ex and hyper-ambitiou$-career and oblivious-EQ showed up already, why spend more time trying to imagine it otherwise? Gently turned him down, he accepted with grace, all went fine. Feeling zero urgency about it all though I'll check the site now and then.
Catch-up socializing (like, seeing 2 people/week) is enjoyable but draining. Happy to pace it out. Recognizing I'm more introverted than I knew.
Perfection. Also some peeing on rug (rare).
That's it for now...I'll keep reading though I may not type again for a while.
love to you all,
Aw, Hopsie, it's so nice to see you post and I'm so delighted to read all of your news! Your poem won a prize! That is just incredible, congratulations

You must be so pleased, and it's always so nice when someone who knows their stuff (Poet Laureate, no less!) gives you that recognition and acknowledgement of your talent. It's lovely when friends say "ooh, that's nice" but even better when you have someone that can give good constructive feedback and their feedback is to give you a prize! Oh, I'm grinning from ear to ear

That's so lovely, I'm so pleased for you.
I'm glad that your garden is sorted out; it will give you so much pleasure over the summer months, I'm sure, and outdoor get togethers with friends will be lovely after all those months of being indoors. A good cleaning lady will relish a bit of mess to clear up, I used to love my clients whose houses always looked like they'd exploded

And once you've got someone coming in regularly it's much easier to keep on top of it in between and it just feels nicer. You've been so busy getting everything sorted out! Well done you
I hope the doc can help with the shoulder. Health/diet/fitness, I think they're difficult habits to change and improve upon, especially when you're going through other changes, and you've sorted so many other things out in such a short space of time, I think the health side of things will start to improve. Better weather will help and hopefully as the vaccine programme continues the Covid thing will be manageable so it will just be easier to get out and about more, and be less stress to cope with day to day. You'll get there, Hopsie, all your steps are heading in the right direction
I hope M starts to feel better and takes any advice given about his health. He's lucky he's got you for support, Hopsie, but do keep in mind if there are changes he needs to make that he needs to make them. It's easy to fall into that caregiver role but you need to reserve that for yourself. I'll be checking! Lol.
Hopsie saw a pink flag and just said no thanks?! This is huge! Oh my goodness, such amazing progress. "You're a nice man, but not right for me". No second guess, no what's ifs or maybes - just simple acceptance and move on. You are turning into the Dalai Lama

Socialising, it's funny, but I was talking to a friend yesterday and we were both saying we don't really want to get back to a lot of socialising, either. Who knew it was so tiring? It's good to have things organised and pace them out but yep, I think a lot of people have found they enjoy solitude more than they realised before. I think that's a good thing.
Perfect Pooch, the rug piddler

Lol, she's got to have one little fault, no-one can be completely perfect. I'm so glad you've got her to keep you company on this amazing journey you're having.
I'm so impressed, you've done so much in such a short space of time and I know it sounds silly when it's online, but you sound more relaxed? More accepting of getting on with things that can be got on with but keeping honesty and reality in place at the same time. I need to channel more of that.
It was such a lovely update to read, Hopsie, I've really missed you being on here but at the same time I'm delighted that you are taking time for you and doing real life stuff. Especially the poem, that's such an amazing acknowledgement for you. Yay! xx