Well, whata weekend I had. Fantastic. Then I decided to try to smooth out what has been a difficult ( what I thought ) friendship.
This was the reply I received:
I have never given you the slightest reason to assume
> that we were friends. You simply cannot force
> yourself upon people. Friendship does not work that
> way. I have tried very hard to make it clear to you,
> without saying it in so many words, that I am not
> interested in a close personal relationship with you.
> Yet you cannot accept that and continually try to
> create something between us that does not exist.
> I have respect for your musical talent. There are
> ways in which yours oustrips mine, ways in which mine
> surpasses yours. But that has nothing to do with
> friendship.
> This has nothing whatsoever to do with the Unitarian
> Church. It is just a matter that you want (demand,
> insist upon) a relationship that I have no inclination
> toward having. Your pushing too hard simply forces
> people farther away, at least this one.
> I have been trying for these many months to make it
> clear to you, WITHOUT being hurtful, that I am not
> inclined to a close friendship with you. I was so
> brutally honest just now because you doggedly
> refuse to understand any more subtle message. You
> invade the privacy of my home, uninvited, and then
> berate me for being unkind. What arrogance!
> Despite, or precisely because of, my being a public
> person, my privacy is very guarded. I do not take
> kindly to anyone trying to force themselves upon me,
> certainly not repeatedly as you have done. You have
> no reason to be hurt or to feel abused. You have put
> yourself in that position by your own insistence.
> I am sorry to be so definitive with you, but you seem
> unwilling to take anything short of total rejection.
This guy might think of himself as a celebrity- but he's a minor radio station host, and my one invasion of his privacy was a phone call sunday afternoon to see what was happening.
Another narcissist???
Looks that way.