Author Topic: Blessings...  (Read 2443 times)


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« on: April 04, 2005, 11:01:19 PM »
I was listening to Dr. Laura in a friend's car today.  A woman called in with self-esteem issues, overweight, not motivated to execise, etc.  Dr. Laura told her to go to the window and look out and describe what she saw.  She did and Dr. Laura told her "You're alive, everything else is icing."  I don't usually listen to the show, but this really touched me today.  I have been living for so long from a place where I could only see the negatives and have lost sight of many of the positives.  I wanted to list some of the blessings in my life and I invite you to share yours.

Blessings in my life:
I'm alive (I was conceived out of wedlock, being alive was not a given!)
Joy of learning.
I've never given up and settled for less than I deserve in life.  (Stubborn 8))
Travelling with my grandparents all around the country when I was young.
Intense joy of music.
A sensitive spirit.
Trails in the woods.
My cat, who came into my life when he was most needed.
My daughter, who blesses my life.
My first friend, who taught me to be bold and who left this world far too early.
Sunny days with blue sky.
The gift to be loved and to love others.
All the caring people in this place.
God's hand under me at my lowest point.
God's fingers running through my hair.  (The wind.)
Living in a country where survival is the standard, not the exception.

- The only thing that was ever really wrong with me was that I used to think there was something wrong with *me*.  :)


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« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2005, 12:23:25 AM »
Thanks, Lontire.  Great idea and glad to hear you feeling so good!
I'll start with being grateful that although I can not STAND that Dr. Laura person, I am glad someone (you) got a positive message from listening that led to your wonderful list (blessings in disguise.....always blessings in disguise!)

I'm grateful for: (not in priority)
blessings in disguise
children (the two I get to share life with and those I teach)
my loving fiance
dark chocolate covered ginger
my family
my brain
chai tea
the internet (at this moment)
the ability to love
learning and growing forever
the struggle with my ex Nh, as without it I never would be where I am today!
a million other things....

Have a great night all!


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« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2005, 01:35:58 AM »
Great post Longtire  :)

Here are my blessings/favorite experiences that I'm thankful for:

Soft blankets
Morning coffee
Funny animals
Good movies
The feeling when I'm done exercising
Looking at my children's faces and letting myself take the time to see them
Connecting with my husband
Talking with my close friends
Playing games
Getting delirious and silly with friends (calling mean people rude names and laughing til I cry)
Yummy smelling lotions and potions
Knowing I'm a child of God
Hearing from God
Soft breezes & sunsets
The sound of waves and creeks
Going out for a scrumptious meal
Using the gifts God has given me
Connecting with people who understand  :)


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« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2005, 02:01:32 AM »
hi longtire. ;} now that ive just been a total jerk i can write some things im thankful about. hope you forgive me. i keep a journal and every day i try to write ten things im thankful for, as well as numerous positive imagery and validations such as 'i love myself' 'i can' and others. its challenging to be thankful, because my training has been that if i am thankful for something, or show affection to any particular thing, that thing will be taken away from me. (all my life)

so, its hard to single out things to be thankful about, beuase it brings up the fear that im targeting that thing to be taken, by showing that i love it. but still, i try.

things im usually thankful for:

im thankful for my car that works.
thankful for my home
thankful for money to do what i need
thankful for my health
thankful for my mind
thankful for my talents
thankful for my pets and animals
thankful for my daughters health
thankful for our moments together
thankful things arent worse
thankful for being heard
thankful  for the blessing of this beautiful 'now'.

thank you for the opportunity to write this. :} >


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« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2005, 07:59:58 AM »
Thanks for this thread!

I am thankful for:
morning coffee
my wonderful house, and the guidance I had in buying it
my daughter's laugh and the infinite treasures of parenting her
my new works in studio
tulips and all the garden's splendor
my fat funny cat (the Cat-alac)
my neighborhood and city
my BF and his family
my friends
my church and the class I teach there
galleries who sell and promote my work
the resilience of the human spirit
the wisdom I've gained in healing
the awesome beauty of the earth
the perfect new home we haven't found yet, but will soon discover

Meister Eickhert said,
"If the only prayer you ever prayed was Thank You,
that would suffice.

Good to remember this!
Thanks to YOU ALL for sharing your lives and thoughts,


bunny as guest

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« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2005, 10:49:59 AM »
I'm thankful for....

(all the everyday things like job, house, health, etc.)

All the art museums on the internet. I can see beautiful art

Live365. I can listen to nonstop gorgeous music all day long.

Learning cooking tips from Food Network.

Still having my intelligence (i.e., not senile yet).

My Jewish background.

Walking outside, just happy to be alive.


Ice-blended mochas. I can have a milkshake without most of the guilt.

Geoff Feiger -- CUTE!!!!

There's a lot more.



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« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2005, 11:00:46 AM »
Wonderful idea:

I am thankful for:

My supportive husband and 3 children
My two beautiful grandkids
My job
My coworkers and friends
Warm, breezy days
Children in general
The ocean

Thanks for making my day more pleasant.  Joey


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« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2005, 11:21:39 AM »
I am blessed because I:
have a wonderful husband
have Beautiful and loving children
have a place to call home
have a good reliable safe car
have freedom
live in America
know Jesus loves me
have an awesome Mom and brothers
have one cool parrot
am able to sit here and type on this board
have great friends
am healthy and fit (knock on wood)
never go without

For all this I am thankful.



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« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2005, 03:56:25 PM »
Quote from: bunny as guest

All the art museums on the internet. I can see beautiful art


Never thought of that!!!  What a good idea!!

Thanks, Bunny.   :)

my daughter
my goddaughter
my nephews
my brothers
my good friends
my family, good and less good
my car, which helps me get outside
my PC and internet connection
books to read
television, which also connects me to the world
my faith
and a sense of humour, which survives most things, if not quite all.   :lol:


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« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2005, 06:55:32 PM »
Great thread!

The blessings in my life would include:
My children, my children, my children
My sweet cats and dogs
My lovely home that is all mine and he never lived in
My wonderful friends and all the love that they show me
My health
My wonderful therapist
My mom's slender genes which has allowed me to eat whatever I wanted my whole life and not gain weight (sorry, had to throw that in)
My compassion and sensitivity
My belief in God and his/her guidance through the most difficult time of my life
A great glass of Pinot Grigio



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« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2005, 11:27:54 PM »
I'm thankful for:

God, Faith, life, all types of people
My Young Daughter
My BIL and SIL @ their two kids
My family
My Electricity (It just now came back on)
V@E Message Board.
My Job
My car
sunny Days
the Beaches
rain with a hot cup of coco and a good movie
I enjoy Art (will check out bunny's internet Idea)
Geneology. ( knowing about family I never knew)
having balance in my life
love to paint
being happy

there is Much more



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« Reply #11 on: April 05, 2005, 11:40:57 PM »
I am thankful for:

Wispery in my life.
My health
My mother(Deceased)
My sisters
My daughter
My friends
My good looks(lol-just kidding)
The ability to laugh, especially at myself
Science fiction
The animals that I have known and loved, and been loved by
The magic of life, whatever it is
the joy and grace of this board
Swimming in the Caribbean
My ability to feel

What a good idea this was.  Thank-you!

                                               HASAN PAL


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« Reply #12 on: April 05, 2005, 11:57:56 PM »
Just wanted to share a friend 's poetry from another board.

Power of the Positive
( PQ )

don’t look to the earth
instead look up to the sky
we were not meant to crawl
we were all meant to fly

when life knocks you down
get right back on your feet
I realize it can seem bitter
but the rewards are so sweet

ask yourself what you can do
to make ‘now’ a better place
when you climb out of bed
put on your cheerful face

there is great satisfaction
in reaching out to others
for in humanities family
are they not your brothers

don’t take today for granted
savor all that it has to give
for each mornings a new start
and a fresh new day to live

look at the beautiful rainbow
forget all about the storm
ignite the candle in your soul
treasure and keep it warm

remember to try your very best
for then you can stand tall
no one ever learned to walk
who also didn’t learn to fall

                                               HASAN PAL


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« Reply #13 on: April 06, 2005, 04:01:37 PM »
What a lovely thread!

(copied that poem Phillip......beautiful!!).

Things I'm thankful for:

The big stuff (my beautiful children, my kind, loving husband, my sweet loyal pets, a few good close friends--who are far away--, all of our health, our comfortable home, our cozy cabin up north, other material things and necessities etc).

Another biggie......chocolate.
The arts.
A brain cell that computes.
A pc that computes.
A wacky sence of humour.
Clean water.
Being able to swim in it on a hot day.
Chickadees, march bugs, Great blue herons, mink, otters, salamander, cyotes, bears, pickeral, king fishers, piliated woodpeckers, great grey owls, frogs singing, chickens clucking, cows mooing, pigs stinking, loons, beavers, bunnies, donkeys, porcupines, snapping turtles, skunks, wild turkeys and turkey vultures, virtually every wild creature I've been blessed to observe and those I have not (with the exception of the black fly and the mosquito, which Noah should have swatted when he had the chance).
Long summer days and cool fall ones.
Sunsets that turn the sky red and the river into a giant mirror.
Ducks lighting on the pond and geese splashing away, as I walk by.
Paths to walk on and people to walk with.
Babies and their sweet smell, cuddly needs and all children and their joyous play!
Road hockey on a winter night.
Piles of sand and gravel to play in and mix with machines.
Big beautiful rocks.
Trees that sway and whisper with their leaves.
Clouds that look like pictures sent by God himself.
The sound of birds waking me from my dreams.

So much more but the biggest biggie.....

My faith and even.. the tribulations I have faced, must face and will face, with it as my most reliable companion....because as I go, I learn.



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« Reply #14 on: April 06, 2005, 06:34:09 PM »
There are many things I'm so thankful for.  What comes to mind are:

I'm thankful for Longtire for posting this thread  :D  :D  :D

I'm thankful for the brilliant idea of Dr. Grossman for creating this board and for all those who make it meaningful.

I'm thankful for my five senses through which to experience the handiwork of the Creator

I'm thankful for the promise of salvation

I'm thankful for the goodness of humanity in its untainted form

I'm thankful for many second the second chance of pursuing a different career

I'm thankful for the harmony of nature to remind me that God is in control and his spirit is within us

I'm thankful for the gift of prayer.


On a different note, I like to share a poem that is kinda light-hearted and delightful.

People ask, "How can you be friends
with someone you have never met?"
I tell them, "You have never been online I bet!".

It's something people offline
will never understand.
You open up your heart to
friendship with your typing hands.

It's a world full of friendships at your
finger tips, there is so much.
Online, it only takes a heart
to reach people with your touch.

First you start out online,
surfing all around.
Next thing you know a great
friend will be found.

You will chat a lot and surf cyber space.
Soon it will be your second home,
a comforting special place.

A friend to share your dreams and your tears
and to help each other
wipe away life's fears.

You will share life together
and help each other along
You will make it thru bad weather
because friendship is so strong.

No matter how far apart you go,
your keyboards will keep you together.
And in your heart you will know you
don't need a face to be a true friend forever.