My kid brother was married in 1976 to J. They had two childrem. My brother ,L, was always drawn to the 'wrapper' and not the 'contents' if you get my meaning. His wife, J, was a real trophy and L was a successful real estate salesman. They owned three houses. Their life was ideal until J was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1985. She wore her usual 'sunny smile' thru two breast reconstructions, but, L, could not handle it all and had a nervous breakdown in 1987 .He turned into a manic bully and needed meds to smooth out.
J, wanted to return to her native New Zealand with the two children and got a divorce and then applied to migrate in 1989. The court granted her permission to leave Australia and she did. My brother is now working as a carpenter and is suing The Family Court Judge and counsellor for
wrecking his family. He has been working on the paperwork for 8 years and has seen at least a dozen lawyers who agree that he got a tough deal from the court. Now he is trying to take the case to court and is claiming $35 mil for all the trouble that he has been caused by the Family Court.
Apparently he TOLD the judge atthe migration hearing that he knew what was wrong with his wife and he knew that she would come to her senses with a few months counselling and then she would then change her mind about migrating and would return to him with the children..
What do you all think -?