I was watching a documentary on TV in the Uk tonight, and the word narcistic was mentioned. Out of curiosity I looked it up on the web...then I found this forum.
I have been in a 'relationship' for nine months with a girlfriend (she is 42, I am 49) that I just could not figure out. At first it was selfishness maybe, stress maybe, alcohol?, I just could not put my finger on it. The goalposts kept moving. There was always aggression. She hates kids, never had any. She has a perfect home. She is never wrong. I always am. She accepts no blame for anything. Her world is perfect and only other people mess it up.
This has been the worst 9 months of my life...and now I have found this site. What a godsend! The light has come on. Now I can make some serious decisons knowing that I am not going mad.
Jeez. I have been a complete idiot!
Rob G