Thank you, Beth. It is brave and open of you to share this.
My D was bulimic for about a year, it terrified me.
I am so glad you let go of that!
Your mother reminds me of something...when I quit smoking years ago I transferred immediately
to nicotine gum, which I still chew today. I am completely happy about it, except for the cost.
What strikes me odd is how sooooo many people, once they notice and ask me about the gum,
say, "Oh but isn't it AWFUL to be addicted to the gum!
Well, ya, addiction is never a good thing. However, for 20 years I practically smoked underwater, I was so desperately addicted. I could literally feel my lungs rotting and am positive I would have eventually died from it. I tried over and over and over, for 20 years, to quit. Finally, hypnosis followed immediately by the gum (no withdrawal) got me there. I have never been so grateful for anything in my life.
So all I can say to them is, I figure it's not quite as bad as lung cancer. But still, some are frowning away at my gum-junkie self. So I say, my heart is fine and my lungs are pink now, and my life expectancy is normal. Isn't that good? (Tut-tut, I etc.) So I just give it up.
About your mom...seems thin and dead is better than overweight and alive?
I have no specific plan to tackle the weight but am glad I posted the topic. I know that once I start talking about things here, I'm more conscious. And that's what I be more conscious.
Hi Plucky, thanks to you too for sharing this about yourself. I wonder if I learned my bingeing the same way. I dont' think so though...I know my parents were very obsessive about food, in a proper-meals kind of way...and I loathed mealtime because all the family tension was seething at the table, while we were all "would you please pass the this or that, thank you"--I'm digging my nails into my knees underneath the table.
Hmmm. Thank you, this is a new thought! Not original, likely...but. I just realized or focused on the fact that my bingeing is SOLITARY. I don't usually overeat around other people. I do this alone, in my room, with TV (numbing TV). Tuned out of my body and trying to soothe, comfort, escape. I don't want to be conscious, and I know I use food to avoid it and have some sensual pleasure too.
Great start. I will look forward to learning from anyone else on this, too.