Hi Seastorm,
As we heal and recover, there will be good days, OK days and bad days. Sounds like you handled the bad day pretty well: you went out, interacted with people, dinner with a friend: these are terrific ways of handling the bad days.
I have found that Mindfulness works well when I have a bad day. With Mindfulness, you realize that all emotions are transient, you experience all your emotions, including painful ones, and then you notice the emotion sort of drift away and be replaced by another emotion.
Here's a description of Mindfulness:
...patients are not aware of avoiding their feelings, but the objective of therapy is to “help the person experience all emotions — especially negative ones — in the here and now.” Emotions are viewed as a normal and inevitable part of life. Avoidance of emotions leads to more avoidance, more symptoms, and a tendency to “wallow in pain instead of moving on to the next moment and the next feeling life brings.” http://thecamreport.com/?p=118Have you considered doing grief counseling? Grief counseling is not only for those whose loved ones have died, but can also be for people whose relationships have died. When a loved one dies, the survivor must face the death of the dreams and future hopes they had with the dead person. Same is true for people whose relationships have died: The dreams, future hopes and expectations you had with your exN have died. You need to mourn the grief of the loss of those dreams & future hopes you had of sharing the rest of your life with exN.