Hi Hops
For me, the potential loss of gentle spirits such as Moon and LoH is a grave thing and I need to think.Now i don't know what's been a'happenin lately, coz I've been away from the PC and decluttering my collection of boxes under the bed (did you know that worms really do eat books?? they do

but do I need to think or can I just say what comes to mind immediately ? Is that allowed? Sure is!

Dear Moonlight and Light of Heart
I think of Moonlight as a gentle, warm, loving, soft, soul, one that needs protecting. I feel protective of Moonlight. I think i showed it a while back somewhere.
Light of Heart I don't feel so protective of but nevertheless, somewhat protective, because she's so darn good-feeling to me. Straight-speaking and a survivor but also one who feels: one who feels pain i think, a sensitive.
I can't protect anyone!

Dear Jac, I don't know what's up, I like you, I admire your resolve, your self-belief and your survival strength. Hey, I want to live and let live though. Not everyone is as strong and vocal as you - you know that? I think it's true. We can think others should be like us, but they're not. I like the differences. What's been happening? i don't know. It's not my thing either. But hey: I'll stick my impressions up and have my say. Jac:
Can my voice be heard hear along with others or do I need to be silenced? Come on Jac, we know each other some and we know (I think) that neither of us is silences easily, not you, or me, no sir. I don't want to silence you. Others can be silenced far more easily than you or I and that means Jac - please don't kick those who are not like us. I've done it and i hate myself for those times. Are you getting me Jac? It's not fair! I don't think it's fair! Okay? Choose me instead! I can do it and I will do it. Big sigh. Do we have to, though, really? Do we have to fight and disagree all the time? Can't we live and let live?
Where's the
vulnerability gone?
I don't want
anyone to be voiceless or silenced. I wish everyone could speak freely.
I feel a bit sad because darn it, this board means so much to me and the board is the disparate collection of voices!
Take care, all. Speak to you soon. (Jac, I expect a good telling off for poking my nose where it don't belong. Feel free

) P