Author Topic: Fearlessness  (Read 1512 times)


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« on: June 25, 2007, 09:13:31 AM »
Thought I would write a bit about a rememberance I had yesterday about XN

At one stage he was completely stressed out at work, needless to say causing trouble again.... long history of this.  I suggested he do some relaxation exercises and guided him through a process.  When he was relaxed I asked him some questions........ the bottom line was I met with a cold hard person who told me he thought he was never going to die. 

He acts like this.  He does not understand dangerous situation and I have seen him take risks that I would consider foolhardy on the one hand and then be cautious about situation which were not dangerous.  It was almost like testing the universe and see if he could triumph again.  Does this make sense to anyone.  Think it is linked with the illusion of being in control of the universe.

Just realised that two year olds go through this phase in their development!




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Re: Fearlessness
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2007, 09:37:43 AM »
You can pretty much sum up my N's similiar behavior like this......




Remarkably similar to a 2 year olds ability to use common sense, eh?


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Re: Fearlessness
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2007, 09:51:18 AM »
They never make sense. They do things that are irational.


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Re: Fearlessness
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2007, 10:21:45 AM »
My mom is like that too, Axa.  She has some serious medical conditions, but instead of going to get second and third opinions, she listened to the same doctor.  Then she stopped taking all her medicine and went back to choking down aspirin like candy.  She stopped taking the blood pressure medicine she's supposed to take to regulate her high blood pressure.  She decided that the pills were causing all her problems, not that her attitude or complete disregard for doctor's orders might have something to do with it.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot
-Elanor Roosevelt


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Re: Fearlessness
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2007, 10:47:22 AM »
I swear, CB.

My N is more anti social personality disorder. 
He's NOTHING like your N. 

I guess that just makes it harder to unravel though.

There are all types of N's with all types of distortions and crazy habits.  Some over achieve an some underachieve.  Some rise to stardom, then crash and burn.  Some never DO ANYTHING and crash and burn. Do they all crash and burn? 

Some are sexual predators and some don't have sex at all.  Very confusing. 


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Re: Fearlessness
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2007, 11:34:11 AM »
NC is a concept I didn't understand at first.

I get it now.

IMO, even very sane people have to limit exposure to craziness. 

For those of us trying to recover and end our confusion, it's just impossible to stay in contact with craziness. 

It's part of the reason I watch myself go in and out of being OK.  I can't maintain my equilibrium while there's an emotioanl terrorist running amok in my life, with socieity's blessing, no less.

Because he makes good money, he expects to get away with murder and be forgiven.  He feels entitled to do so.  He says that out right and he BELIEVES IT WITHOUT RESERVATION.

Sadly, society buys into that, on several levels. 

I have family members that buy into that.  Friends who buy into that.  On some level, I bought into that over the years.

If I want to escape insanity, call it what you will.... driven there or inviting it in...... if I want to find serenity and take care of myself I NEED NC.

I'm a pretty simple creature.  I can't multi task self care with defending myself against covert slash and burn attacks designed to subjugate me and make me dependant.  If I'm going against my nature ALL THE TIME and FIGHTING off attacks from someone who's supposed to protect me, what is left to raise my children with? 

I have nothing for me... I don't have as much for the children. 
That translates into eventual disaster, no matter how stoic I am.  Eventually something has to give. 

I'm going to stop using the term N.  Nobody outside of this board gets it. 


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Re: Fearlessness
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2007, 01:17:56 PM »
Painfully won knowledge but brlliantly put, (((((((((((Lighter))))))))))))

I can't multi task self care with defending myself against covert slash and burn attacks designed to subjugate me and make me dependant.  If I'm going against my nature ALL THE TIME and FIGHTING off attacks from someone who's supposed to protect me, what is left to raise my children with?

You're right, dear.  :(

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Fearlessness
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2007, 01:18:43 PM »

 I think you are right, very few people, unless they have suffered at the hands of an N or sociopath really get it.  That is why this board is such a blessing

While the NC rule seems hard at first I am so aware that it is the only way for me.  I know if I get tangled up in anything with him it will escalate into full blown abuse, be it of the charm or other nature within minutes.  What helps me is that I know that not a single word that comes out of his mouth can be trusted and will always be in his interest.  It really is amazing CB



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Re: Fearlessness
« Reply #8 on: June 25, 2007, 08:20:36 PM »
Hops, axa:

It's like being the protagonist in an improbable horror plot. 

I can't even believe this is happening to me. 

How in the world can those around me, IRL, understand/believe/make sense of it?


That's the truth. 

It's like dealing with a mentally handicapped person who is otherwise above average physically and intellectually, lol. 


They throw you and themselves off the side of relationship buildings then call themselves the victim while screaming they want you back. 


 Who can understand that they'll just chop their own head off if you DO give them another chance, lol?

::shaking head::  Crazy crazy crazy.