You may want to check out this site I loved it having a child with dyslexia. I learned our rights and was a better advocate for my child.
Here is a little bit I copied for you but so, so, many things. Ho.
Parents, educators, advocates, and attorneys come to Wrightslaw for accurate, reliable information about special education law, education law, and advocacy for children with disabilities. Begin your search for information in the Advocacy Libraries and Law Libraries. You will find thousands of articles, cases, and free resources about dozens of topics:
Parents of special education students know of Pete Wright. They know his Web site, They know he once represented a South Carolina special education student whose parents wanted the school district to reimburse them for her private school tuition. The case went to the U.S. Supreme Court, which ruled in favor of the family.
Wright writes books and travels the country with his wife, Pam, teaching parents how to advocate for their kids. He will be in Atlanta Feb. 11 to speak at the Georgia branch of the International Dyslexia Association's annual conference.
We receive many questions from parents, teachers, and health care providers about special education services for children with ADD/ADHD.
If you are a parent or teacher, you need to educate yourself about this disability, medical treatments, educational methods, and how to present the child's problems to school staff so they want to help.
This page includes FAQs, articles, legal resources, book recommendations, free publications, and a short list of information and support groups.
Many children with Attention Deficit Disorder have other problems that affect learning and behavior, including learning disabilities, Tourette Syndrome, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and Bi-Polar Disorder. Because few school personnel receive adequate training in effective educational approaches for kids with ADHD, they often blame children (and their parents) for behavior that is caused by these neurobiological conditions.
Hope it helps.