Hey All,
I was walking yesterday and thinking about all we have been talking about here... And I was listening to my IPod. I have Ganster rap on my IPod. I have Weird Al, Top 40 country, some 80s rap and club music. How many of you are cringing? My IPod is personal. Only I hear it unless I share it with someone. It IS me. I can hide what is on it if I never let you hear it, but if you are riding in my car, you might hear what I let you hear. If I am feeling cool, I might play a top 40 song... and let the windows down. But then I might get embarrassed and turn it down and wind the windows back up. If I really like you, I might play Weird Al's new songs and hope you like them. If I think you are the Classical type, I probably won't play Snoop.
What is the point? The point is, why couldn't I play all of them kinda loud with the window down? Why do I care about your perception of me???
When my mother was in the car, a song started on the IPod, I changed it to something else and her nasty comment was, "That sounded nice. No wonder you didn't play it." So I turned it back to the Weird Al song, "Don't Download This Song." She did like. it. I assumed she wouldn't. However, were she a kind person, she would have said, "That sounds nice. Can we listen to it?"
So, assumptions, embarrassment, reactions... all over an IPod. And fear of sharing myself.
Love, beth