Author Topic: Asserting Myself---  (Read 23174 times)


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Re: Asserting Myself---
« Reply #90 on: September 20, 2007, 05:55:23 PM »
Ahhhhhhh, Izzy.

Warms me heart to picture you eating maple cake and hunting through a fridge full of fresh nummies: )

The rude old lady with the wagon reminds me of a woman sitting next to me on a flight.

My bag was sitting between us, on the floor, sort'a close to the imaginary HER SIDE/ MY SIDE line, lol.

What did she do?

She looked at it.... kicked it over to well beyond said line.... and didn't look up, lol!

Funny stuff and it was so odd I couldn't get angry at her. 

Same thing with your little lady.....

whatever in the world happened to them....

to make them act that way?  :shock:


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Re: Asserting Myself---
« Reply #91 on: September 20, 2007, 09:49:13 PM »
i hope I never become that cranky and rude.

I am doing my laundry now and dinner is a-cookin'



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Re: Asserting Myself---
« Reply #92 on: September 21, 2007, 07:10:50 AM »
You won't ever become that rude.....

ummm.... about the cranky part, lol....


What was for dinner?


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Re: Asserting Myself---
« Reply #93 on: October 01, 2007, 03:15:48 PM »
I never told you! It was steak and a salad, I think.
Anyway on to my leg--update

I have a knee bend in my cast now so can use my own car. Taxis are expensive....all totalled.

My leg is 'ugly' with all the bruising and the blood blister. I say that heel sore is NOT a pressure sore. They begin at the bone and the flesh and skin break down until it becomes an open sore (I ought to know from the ones I've heard about that you could put your fist into.) Just looks like the blood blister, drying around the edges. Bet it was there after the fall and in the first cast.

Every two week visits now, no taxi and can drive myself.

from Izzy, in a good mood!

EDIT) What you told Wes and me did not bother me at all, except knowing that it bothered you so much.   This is what my sister, who visited, just said in an email.  My Heavens! Does no one understand that feeling to be 'without feelings' is serious to me??????

from Izzy, who is appalled, but okay!

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« Last Edit: October 01, 2007, 03:41:35 PM by isittoolate »


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Re: Asserting Myself---
« Reply #94 on: October 01, 2007, 05:41:55 PM »

Hi Iz,

Grettings and hugs right back at you.  Glad you're able to drive the car again.  Vroooooom!  Vroooom!



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Re: Asserting Myself---
« Reply #95 on: October 05, 2007, 05:18:00 PM »
"No John, you cannot telephone me and tell me you are coming right over with the work." ( I was just getting ready to go out)
You telephone me, then tell me what you have and ask, 'When is a good time for you to have me to come'? I am going out in a minute, and good time would be 1:45."

Well that sure threw off his day.  :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

He called at 1:45 that he couldn't come as he was helping his wife shop for dinner. He would be more like 2:00 and said, "But that is when your show comes on" and I said, "No, my show comes on from 3-4:00"

He called at 2:00 and said he couldn't come because his visitors needed a ride somewhere, and he needed a haircut.

He might be sobbing somewhere.

Mean Izzy

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Re: Asserting Myself---
« Reply #96 on: October 06, 2007, 09:30:33 PM »
Hello My Dear-

I tried to send a long post yesterday, then it died and I fell into a semi-comatose state (I was exhausted). I hope your wounds are healing quickly- I hate to think of the needless added trauma you are suffering in body and in spirit.
I am so glad that you can drive again- the cost in time, money and aggro is just too much when one is dependent on taxis and the like. Smart thing, you!
As for your "meanness"- although you certainly have a delightfully devilish streak, which I liken to a hint of spice, you are such a sensitive, just and kind person that you do yourself an injustice in favor of others. You are no mincing mewling crybaby, and you keep your teeth and claws sharp - but mean, you are not.

Wishing Love and Healing to You and Your Loved Ones,



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Re: Asserting Myself---
« Reply #97 on: October 08, 2007, 02:06:46 PM »
Thank you changing,

I was thinking about the infected eye I have right now, the pain, the headaches, the light sensitivity (have my eye drops since yesterday) and I realize how little actual Physical pain I have. I have broken so many bones in my legs where the pain feeling has gone, that I take things with a grain of salt. so am trying to do so with this eye and am managing quite well in spite.

I love the descriptions of me and how you soften them-- a devlish streak, with spice/teeth and claws sharp but not mean.

I usually have either -way scenarios ready for something whereby I don't know the outcome---be prepared.

I don't like surprises--that's what happened with John calling and expecting to come right over. I guess that fits in with the line above.

And how are things with you? Any more fence jumpers? Can you string barbed wire along the top, like prison and my underground parking garage?

How well are you getting around? How much pain are you dealing with now? School sounds all right/good. I saw that post and should have replied then and there, but have found I forget which thread where it is, so I ought reply immediately.

Also about pain, I know you responded about my stopping therapy and I felt you understood.  I felt such unbelievably heart-wrenching emotional pain when the estrangement began with my daughter (so I was feeling then) that I had to 'put it away' as I had with all other pain.

Now I know there will be no grand re-union between us, I can take it because that feeling is gone. It is only the knowledge of it now. I decided I didn't want that pain back. EVER. I have all the knowledge of events and what I likely felt but it's all in my head.

I gather I can live with that. If I were ½ my age I might have a different outlook.

I really hope all has been well re fence-jumpers and Bags of Worms in a big bag, namely Bagworm!

Love and Blessings

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« Last Edit: October 08, 2007, 02:08:44 PM by isittoolate »


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Re: Asserting Myself---
« Reply #98 on: October 08, 2007, 11:56:32 PM »
Hello Devilish Poor Thing-

You are really taking a beating, aren't you? The broken leg, wounds on foot and thigh, eye infections, headaches. I am so sorry that you have so much to handle Brave Girl. Have you tried hot/warm (not too) compresses on the eye? It draws out the toxins and soothes as well. I think you are worn down my dear- I know my adrenal glands have shrunken down to the size of 2 poppy seeds. Here are some heartfelt hugs for you Izzy. Wish I could whip those docs into shape for you (although my shape whipping seems a bit faulty right now!)

No one has scaled the fence lately- it looks like I am traumatized in my yard about once every 2 weeks, so there should be something coming up soon. The neighbors wouldn't give statements regarding the fence incident to the investigator I hired, though a child admitted they saw everything. So, so far I've wasted time and money, and the bad guys have gotten away with it.  No more cookies and sympathy for the neighbors (I have helped them many times like an idiot)!!!!

I have this big deal paper due tomorrow and I have the flu. I have to respond to Bagworm's demand for support within a couple of days too, and I need a new lawyer. WAAAWAAAWAAA!

Izzy, please rest and eat well- your immune system is weakened from the various healings, duties and upsets. Maybe go have a little fun this weekend? Hope you are feeling better, and your friends and loved ones take proper notice of your needs behind the glittering facade of high intelligence, responsibility and independence.

Love to You and Yours,


PS- My neighbors should have that sign on your post on their fence- they certainly have proven the adage.




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Re: Asserting Myself---
« Reply #99 on: October 09, 2007, 01:59:08 PM »
This is a post in reply t you over on Hops' Trip thread.
 Re: Trip report
« Reply #23 on: Today at 10:46:49 AM »     

Quote from: changing on October 08, 2007, 09:38:54 PM
Izzy, My Dear Poetess- sometimes it is harder for those who see too well and feel so much- the raging wind that rasps the whitened bone and the slash of stinging salt water in the eyes (you remind me of the clean merciless truth and vision of Georgia O'Keefe in her stark and lonely paintings.)Izzy, you rock.
P.S. Collette certainly sounds like the late June Carter Cash!
Love ,

My you have a way with words, more poetic than I, but thank you for the kudos. I was struck by that knight in shining armour thingy as soon as that email arrived this past Spring, and over 10 years ago, I wrote that song as though I knew what she was thinking, with a bit of artistic license,
Collette does have a good voice and did a number of my songs

Take care now

Then I moved it here, as I saw this last night just as I was going to bed to read, tired eye.

Thigh is healed over now, eye infection under control, pain and headaches gone.

I do get plenty of rest. I get into a good book, and will often go back to bed in the afternoon (read only laying down) end up falling asleep, then again at night. And the laydown is good for my leg.

I find it so annoying if my good turns to another are NEVER reciprocated.

Boy I sure hope Bagworm doesn't return--is he predictable????--I don't think Ns are, as then you would know where and when.

I appears you are always working under one handicap or another. Good Luck with the paper, and everything.

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« Last Edit: October 09, 2007, 02:00:56 PM by isittoolate »