I would like any of us who are so inclined, to think about how we react to correction by someone else.
Recently, I've really been examining this in myself and finding out new ways of stating my view without being a "martyr" or a "bully" but I've had people in my past, when I pointed out something that was upsetting in their behavior, all of a sudden either accuse me of "attacking" them or else claim that everyone was out to get them.
sometimes, posting a situation that has happened privately, in such a way as to leave it sounding "Generic" is a persons' way of working through issues. I know that I'm doing that very thing right now. I'm in a situation with someone where I've brought correction to them but they are now seeing it as though I'm "Out to get" them.
I ask you all...paranoia? persecution complex?
When someone corrects a person, why can't they just say "I disagree with your perception in that, but I will think about it, consider it, pray on it," rather than launching into attack mode or "they all hate me" scenarios.
Just some food for thought.