Hope no one minds my sharing of my reading from my little RBC booklet that they kindly send from Michigan each quarter, all about CHOICES.
Interestingly, that is something that has been in my thoughts, and upon my heart, for some weeks now, along with Reciprocal living.
It speaks of how with every Choice we make, creates a ripple effect on our lives, as well as, on the lives of others.
The choices that we make throughout life (I am thinking in terms of my new life ahead of me) determine where we are and what we are becoming.
That's quite exciting really, to think of the choices that we make now and how they will create a ripple in our lives ahead.
Hopefully, NFree lives ahead

Goes on to say how
Choices are also telling. What we really want, love, and think, make up the choices that we make.
(It quotes Philippians 1:3-11 for those who may wish to know).
However, afterward, it mentions
Joy.Lots of folk, myself included at one time, consider Joy to be a whimsical feeling or suchlike, however, I was amazed to learn some time ago, that it is quite the opposite.
and I quote from another source ...
What is Joy?.........But before we can pursue joy we must have some kind of an understanding what this joy is. What does a joyful person look like? How do you distinguish a joyful person from a happy person, or a giddy person, or a foolish person? You can be happy your team won, you can be giddy about a great opportunity, you can act happy yet be under the influence of some substance. So, what is it that makes joy different from these things?
Joy is something that is unaffected by circumstances. It is a state of mind and an orientation of the heart. Joy is deep. It is a settled state of contentment, confidence and hope.
So with all that, my hope for my new life ahead; is to makes good healthy Choices that maintain real Joy.
There is a quote: "our lives are not made by the dreams we dream, but by the choices we make"
I quite like that and find it most encouraging.
Sincere good wishes to ((( everyone )))
with genuine; Love, Hope, Peace and Joy
Love, Leah