(((((((Lise)))))) yes, this makes good sense to me.
My mother isn't unsafe in an outwardly antagonistic way, she's just... a blank. I mean, I picture her mirroring virtually
nothing back to a baby (me). What she does is radiate tension... and a stony coldness which, now that I can see straight, I think must be fear. Everything about every one threatens her... and I'm not exaggerating. She is just a walking picture of defensive reactions... an overwound spring.
Been rememering how, when I was really little, I stood up tight to a wall, waiting to surprise her as she'd walk down the hall. Kept thinking about that lately, wondering what that was all about... because there was no gleeful embrace afterward, as you might expect. There was no anger or shock, either. There was... nothing, as I recall. Zippo zilch. And I do think that maybe I was just trying to get some sort of
response from her... anything. Of course, there was nothing I could do, being invisible (unless in performance mode).
Anyhow, come to think of it, I do believe that every human being is envious... but that it hides deep within us. Just finished reading an excerpt of the book by Bob Sorge at Amazon... really excellent. One quote really strikes me: "Envy killed the body of Jesus Christ when He came to this planet the first time, and it's still killing His body today." I can see that. And I'll be giving some more thought to what you've said about the fear of diminishment... because I do feel diminished these days, but sometimes it's in a very good way (that quiet calm). Other times, there's an old restlessness bubbling beneath the surface... and that must be where the junk is hiding. Doesn't take so much digging to find it anymore, though... so I guess that's a good thing

With thanks and love,