Author Topic: A day with my children..... counting blessings.  (Read 2342 times)


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A day with my children..... counting blessings.
« on: April 13, 2008, 08:34:36 AM »
Yesterday we went to a beautiful Nursery filled with lovely old plantings, a very long meandering stream, lazy wide swings and a outdoor miniature train set that runs all day.

We felt our fingertips nibbled by large and small Koi.

Counted turtles (but refrained from petting them this time bc of bacteria, yikes.)

We played with other children......
ate popcorn.....

watched the happy sleepy caged parrots and marveled at the venus flytraps placed by their cage bars.

We smelled 15 different kinds of basil and mint and touched soft cool little ground coverings.   I wanted to dig and plant them until I could nap on them.

We have a fish filled stream out back and I bought a few wonderful water/bog plants...... different textures and one that reminds me of my childhood pond.


Yellow and orange. 

Such wonderful memories.   

I loved and bought miniature dahlias and plan to put them in a pot with the girls after the frost warnings pass.

We'll put on rubber boots and find the perfect places for the water plants, dig, plant, nurture and watch grow.

Working in the dirt is something my mind, body and spirit need to do right now. 

On the way home we stopped so the girls could playdate at Auntie P's and I dug up some lovely deep blue green hosta. 

I love shade plantings. 

The back yard here's so lovely.

Like working in a beautiful painting...... picking and choosing colors and textures to compliment..... things are already so nice.

I also got a large bunch of Creeping Jenny and the vivid yellow green of that plant makes my soul happy.

The girls visit with Grandparents today and I look forward to attending church with Auntie H.  I've missed her terribly as she's the person who introduced me to the church where we attended regularly.  When she moved away..... she left a void.  I live closer to her now and I'm happy to be able to see her again.  Maybe attend church regularly with her again.  What a comforting thought and I'm grateful today.



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Re: A day with my children..... counting blessings.
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2008, 08:52:31 AM »
You had me walking along with you!  It sounds awesome!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"

finding peace

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Re: A day with my children..... counting blessings.
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2008, 09:47:54 PM »
Dear Lighter,

What a beautiful post.  You had me walking with you as well.  I smelled the basil, felt the gentle nibbles on my fingers, and heard the rushing sound of water as you plant your plants.

So much of my life at any given moment has been consumed with re-living the past or worrying about what the future might bring. 

Your post reminded me that when I am most stressed about future or past events I need to remember that I am not there – I am here in this moment, and everything, right here and now, although maybe not perfect or ideal, is ok.

I can take this moment for my little ones and myself.  Whatever may come, whatever has been, right now in this very moment everything is ok – and I can let go of the worry and find beauty in this moment in time. 

Thank you.

Walking with you on this path.

- Life is a journey not a destination


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Re: A day with my children..... counting blessings.
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2008, 10:58:41 AM »
Overcomer and FP...

To keeping our heads where our feet are.

::nodding head::


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Re: A day with my children..... counting blessings.
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2008, 02:15:22 PM »
dear lighter

That is such a lovely day you described.

I will use the word envy here, from my original idea of what it meant, that I am happy you had such a beautiful, educational day, and I envy that, because it is something I cannot do.

I could be pushed around all day (and perhaps take the enjoyment away from another person) or if I tried it on my own, the unpaved land would be lumpy and bumpy and hold me back, as would any dirt. The Nusrery could have narrow aisles, as the one here has.

I cannot think of a place in the world I would like to go, even if all expenses were paid, as there is bound to be something inaccessible that a trip planner would not tell me: a bathroom door too narrow or whatever, so I try to make my home life as pleasing for me as possible.

I still love you. Happy trips.

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: A day with my children..... counting blessings.
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2008, 04:48:12 AM »
Amber...... planting and working in the earth..... walking meditation for those of us lucky enough to enjoy it.  My little plants are still sitting in moist puddles at the backdoor.... lush and green and well cared for.  I keep wanting to go out to the creek's edge and enjoy getting lost in the decisions.  The logistics of garden tools.  The clothing I'll surely ruin in the process, lol.  I'm laughing again!  Thanks for that: )  It's been a long time since I've laughed. 

Izzy..... the isles at that nursery are wide enough for BIG carts..... you'd fit just fine. 

In fact, the idea of you and I strolling and enjoying that kind of day appeals to me on every level. 
Starbucks just accross the street. 

You could transfer easily to one of the back swings.... plenty of proactivity concerning bathroom breaks.

We could rock and nosh for hours...... discuss the plants and then go back to the house to enjoy the backyard and something light on the bar b.   

I can picture it

and it seems.....


Ever think of coming down Georgia way?

Love you too....

It's been a long hard year of learning for us both.....

you've taught me something about how I communicate and set boundaries. 

I think harder deeper longer before speaking..... a lot of that has to do with our interaction on the board. 




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Re: A day with my children..... counting blessings.
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2008, 12:54:39 PM »
Awwww lighter

You sound like the perfect person to see me around on a tour and not complain about a thing, so I would not have to 'complain' about a thing.

No trips planned at present. My big trip was with the N, to out here and, now that I left him, it's the lovliest place in the world for me to live.

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: A day with my children..... counting blessings.
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2008, 06:23:54 PM »
My big trip was with the N, to out here and, now that I left him, it's the lovliest place in the world for me to live.


I always found Canada felt a bit like Europe.... with the second largest Italian population in the world..... all the little specialty food and grocery shops....  populated by very nice Americans.

I adored most of the Europeans, don't get me wrong..... I just had a great deal of trouble communicating most of the time.  This American speaks very little French, German, Italian or any of the Scandanavian languages I encountered.

I do know a racey little Portugese song, sung to the tune of "Strangers in the Night" however.

::wiggling eyebrows::


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Re: A day with my children..... counting blessings.
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2008, 07:17:03 PM »
::wiggling eyebrows::

Heh heh lighter

I love Canada and would never forego my citizenship. Strange how I lived in S. Ontario, which winters were sometimes/often 6 months long. I couldn't think of a place further South than that to free myself of those winters.

Then the move to here and..,,,,,,,,, and my belief that 'Everything happens for a reason"

This place is my Shangri-la--     my earthly paradise --    permanently happy land, isolated from the outside world (wiki) and I don't want any toxic people invading my space, my whole space.

I don't make friends well if their English is missing, but I have many who are, let's say, 2nd generational here. I love my Japenese friends, my Native friends, (a special affinity there because of Joe and my daughter's Native heritage.) and my newest one is of Dutch persuasion.

She and I are brand new and I want to be a friend with/to her, since we appear to be on the same page regarding work, and perhaps it could go further. She said I am very nice, my skin is lovely (in spite of my smoking for 51 years, I am not wrinkled--and even a new nurse said that on Monday, so I had that 2 days in a row. Good for my ego, just to keep it at a sensible level,)

So as far as the trip is concerned, when I found out the N was an N, I said to myself" Lo_d! And I paid ½ his way out here!"

Now I say, "Great! and he paid ½ my way out here! my Shangri-la"

:just being contented:  and accepting whatever comes my way!

Love ya, lighter
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: A day with my children..... counting blessings.
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2008, 09:33:05 AM »
Well Izz.... the neat thing is.... I hope I'll be in Toronto again soon..... you know I have family there and visited yearly until recently.

I can meander through your Shangri la at some point..... no icky travel stories for you to tell.

Just me; )