"to my recollection--accurate. "
That is, as far as I recall. Stated so as to help dispell mistrust in the doctor (due to "Sam" post which could make one wonder about trustworthiness of internet info by supposed doctors).
Over the years, in real life, I've met good and bad in medical professions.
Crappy docs who think they're God and don't speak to anyone, other than other doc's, of the same degree, as respected people. Nurses who are only there for the money and some with real mean streaks. Other "professionals" who are either seeking power and status, or filling their piggy banks.
The ratio of kind, caring, self-giving individuals, who are there to help others, compared to the type described above, is high. There are many, many, many more good people in the professions than there are not, according to what I have seen, and the opinions of my co-workers.
To be on the look-out for those who are in the "not" catagory, is just sensible, and is a necessary safety strategy (tried spelling that one 3 or 4 ways and just gave up).
I didn't do so well myself, in some attempts to locate excellent care. I did amazingly well, once I figgered out what questions to ask, which only shows--some things must be experienced in order to be truly understood.
Hope you are all having a great morning!