Author Topic: Update from Lighter  (Read 2029 times)


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Update from Lighter
« on: April 18, 2014, 09:47:57 AM »
Things are fairly routine in the land of Light.  

The recent cold snap landed on our garden.   We were fortunate to get plastic over it in time, using tomato cages, rocks, bricks,  and dirt to hold the edges down in high winds, and many large buckets from Walmart turned over the taller tomato plants, and most of the squash.  The squash seemed happier for their 2 days under the bucket.
We travel quite a bit, which includes seeing my mother, who continues her brave stuggle with bc. We regularly travel back to our old city.  The children attend classes at their old school, visiting with friends, and having as many play dates as we can fit in.  It's been a blessing.  I can't imagine what the past 4 years would have been like had we not found that safe, sheltered place.  

My oldest child's class had a blast last week attending a poetry slam at the local university, during an arts festival.  We also rode rides at an amusement park.

My youngest and I cooked out with lovely friends, and their 5 dogs, a bunny and a cat, and visiting baby (I love getting my hands on a baby.)  We ate out at our favorite places, walked the lovely city in the spring sunshine, and made violet jelly with a mom who makes several varieties out of what most people consider yard weeds, but are medicinal to her.  The daddies played night frisbee with gusto, and a good time was had by all.  

We all went to see GRAVITY at the Cinema and Draft House.  We went bowling, but what really stood out on this trip....

for me......

I heard my children laugh.

A lot.

Unbridled joy.

And it made me laugh too.......  
Such a good time.

Anyway, homeschooling has served it's intended purpose.  I've loved reading SS, Science, and Literature with my youngest, snuggled up in bed, cozy and relaxed, or on the sunny porch swing, with pillows, and clean white cotton blankets.  We even camped out on the porch, in a tent, and did school work.  How cool is that!?   The kids have done school work in the car, at the hospital, at Grandma's, at their old school, and during vacations, and all times of the day, as we feel like it, or can get to it.  

At one point, while visiting my mother during a serious hospital stay, my youngest put down her computer class, and began directing nurses at the nursing station with the authority of a competent adult.  Without hesitation. Without looking to us for direction.  She just did what needed to be done, bc she saw it needed to be done, and......

I'm gushing,  but I was just so proud of her.  I would have been completely lost at that age, in that situation.  I didn't speak with that much authority to nurses when I was in my mid thirties.  

My oldest child has always been very independent.  Right now, being with her while she does her school work is like parallel playing toddlers.  She enjoys having me near her, doing my thing, but not looking over her shoulder, or participating with her.  Being the original touchy feely parent, this is sometimes a challenge for me, but it's a very happy moment when she reaches over and lets me know, with a pat, or a smile, that she's content and happy in that moment.  I have to leave that sentence just there.  It's hard to explain.  

I noticed that when I laugh happily at something, she often puts her arms around me, and shares a hug, which isn't really her nature.  If it's at bedtime, she puts her head on my shoulder, like she did as a child when being tucked in, and wants to talk and talk and talk.  To hear what I have to say.  She asks questions.  It's not often, and I cherish every second of it.  She needs to hear me laugh more, is what I take from that.  I think she's missed it.... really really missed it.  

The rough patch in our home school routine has been solved with a local Math professor, who tutors both children..... he's perfect for the job, as he has 2 dd's similar age dd's, and is used to all the female energy.  He's serious, mentors the children about college, study habits, and has a good sense of humor, which is a moral imperative in this house.  

The IL's are appealing the custody suit, of course, but I'm not worrying about it.  I've learned, everything happens for a reason, and this too shall pass.  I'll do what needs to be done, and by now I should have that figured out.  If I don't, it's just another lesson I'll share with those traveling down my path.

All in all, I feel pretty good right now.  We're planning a treasure/egg hunt on Easter Sunday, complete with gluten/dairy/sugar free Spring Cupcake baking project..... my youngest picked out flower petal baking cups.  We'll dye eggs.... I'm thinking Robin's Egg Blue, and wishing for the lovely construction paper crayons I enjoyed with my children when they were small, but can't find lately.  They write on cold eggs, wet eggs, any kind of eggs.  SO missed.


first world problem, we're doing great.  (.....but it anyone knows where to score construction paper crayons...... )

My oldest still playing piano.  My youngest is very funny, and chatty, and growing like a weed.  I think both will be very tall.    

It's a matter of figuring out what we want to do next, as I see it.  Where we want to live.  How we want to live.  All will be well.

It's nice to have choices, and it's nice to look at life as an adventure again.

Things are opening up for us.  It's like leaving behind sadness, and fear, doubt, and a very very long siege.


what next?




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Re: Update from Lighter
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2014, 11:36:09 AM »
Oh Lighter.  I can't tell you what a big smile that left me with (and a teary eye, too!).

There is nothing, nothing, nothing more amazing in this world than hearing your babies laugh :)  Your in laws - well I have no words.  But what I can say is that they are still trapped in their dark, depressing, meaningless world - and you are stepping into a bright future with your head held high and your lovely girls by your side.

Go, Lighter!  And I will keep my eyes peeled for those crayons :) xxxxxx


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Re: Update from Lighter
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2014, 12:28:26 PM »
hi lighter

That is just a pleasure to read: very much so!

"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: Update from Lighter
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2014, 03:34:20 PM »
What a pleasurable life you've built, Lighter,
and how especially wonderful to hear how well the
girls are doing. I can imagine what extraordinary
value that has to you...

And war ending. And conflict settling into the past.

And such beauty and bounty to savor.

Enjoy, as you are, and more...

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Update from Lighter
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2014, 05:29:15 PM »
Thanks, Tupp, Izzy, and Hops:

Speaking of beauty and bounty....

I put down everything, found 2 very tall salvaged flower vases that make my heart happy, and filled them with hydrangea and dogwood branches.  I mean.... they're at least 6 feet tall sitting on the counter, and dr table.


If all goes as planned, we'll eat at that dining room table tonight.  It feels right, and has been so long since we've done it as a family.

I'm so ready to have a normal life again.

It was windy, and cool as I hid treasure hunt clues, and cut green growing things for the Easter feasts, and celebration.  I have clues hidden all over the place.... the hummingbird feeder, to the tire swing, to the dock, to the porch swing, and beyond.  We saw a hummingbird yesterday, btw: )

How can life get any better than that?

ps  Back to spelling lessons with youngest.


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Re: Update from Lighter
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2014, 10:23:47 AM »
Well, we didn't get to eat around the dr table......

but it served as a splendid place for baskets, eggs, and Easter treats till needed.  So pretty.

The kids participated in the treasure hunt, that lead to the egg hunt (in 3 stages) then did sidewalk chalk art, and paddle ball...


We bought back all but my youngest child's Easter candy, and a good time was had by all.

Big fantastik day! 

Cool, breezy, sunny, and mild.
