This is kind of off topic, but maybe not entirely.
The covenant group I lead hosted dinner last night for 40 homeless men (we do it annually for two weeks, in tandem with other churches of different faiths, including the Islamic society--some years we host women but in the cold season there are more men on the street). As it always does, it broke my heart again (I figure one's heart needs regular re-breaking). The ones I was sitting with were kind, polite, and so broken. No dental care, some obvious mental illness, others just pale, weary. Broken by the world, by bad luck, by choices, by horrible upbringings, by addictions. My heart breaks for them every time and taking their hands and eating together and just listening is all I know how to do directly.
One young veteran put his head on the table and was just helpless. The other men were like father birds. They put arms around him, helped us serve him, were so protective.
I think although it may not always show on the outside, like these men, many women feel nearly homeless in our world, because of what systemic--make that global--sexism actually does in their lives. It starts young and just pounds at you from the culture year after year. (As it also does its harm to boys, pounding away at them year after year, training them to dominate while offering their bodies up as sacrifices.)
We're all the same in that we need each other. We need protective arms and raised voices and empathy and a willingness to imagine the other more than judge the other.
It's really hard. I had a bad brother and a cold mother but a kind father. I was very lucky in my father.
Just rambling...