G, I think an uninspiring job can sap anyone's energy, I know I've done some over the years that used to make me want to scream, not because they were difficult but probably the opposite, they were just repetetive and mind numbing. And dealing with complaints all day - that must really take it out of you. Just listening to negativity constantly. The guy who can't find his desk made me laugh though, bless him, he sounds a bit like me! Lol. Maybe he would be more fun to go out with than the others, at least you would be kept on your toes wondering if he'd return from the gents or not

Your mum sounds exhausting as well. It's hard to feel perky and upbeat when you have to sort of switch off in order to cope. I get that, you have to make yourself feel very little so you don't get upset, angry, frustrated and so on. It's hard to know where the line is between acceptance and resignation, I find. I was reading a book about Buddhism, and a lot of that was about acceptance, but I found myself wondering what the difference is between accepting your situation and trying to find the best in it and giving up trying. I find people tiring to deal with sometimes.
I hope you can post on here though, I miss seeing what's going on in your world
