Author Topic: Good Description of the Problem  (Read 8134 times)


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Response to dinner party analogy
« Reply #15 on: November 17, 2003, 05:46:22 PM »
Hello all, I popped over from the N-partners board.  I just wanted to say that analogy about the dinner party, I read that a year ago on the Passive Aggressive Personality Disorder website  Thats the first place I ever went to find out what was wrong with my then boyfriend.  It lead me to Nism.  But it seems it applies to sociopathic and other disorders.  When you get one personality disorder, you probably get a grab bag of several of them.  Becuase although my N is exactly like this list, and many, many qualities of a passive aggressive, he is not completely 100% either.  He is everything here except overtly grandiose and haughty.  He is not overly special and does not expect overly special treatment.  In fact he plays himself down quite a bit.  So, just becuase they are short one or two features on the list, that doesn't excuse them at all.  And it sure as hell doesn't permit magical thinking that it's not a 100% fit so "maybe there's a chance he'll change."  I spent too much time thinking that.  Thanks for listening.  