I had a really nice week and weekend with my daughter last week. December was a really tough time for me. I was pretty pitiful and weak. This was a rough holiday because I was out of work, and I was worried about providing a nice Christmas for my daughter. Especially Christmas day, the whole family was together my parents, sisters, their husbands and kids. When everyone was exchanging gifts and telling stories about how they found the perfect gift, I felt bad because I couldn't give anything.
But last week was my first full week with my girl since the holidays, and we had a great time. We laughed and giggled and tickled and played a lot. It felt good to make a new start in the year.
I also feel like my life has been making some positive strides. I have the interview tomorrow, so maybe more steady income will be coming in. On Monday, I started volunteering to work in my daughter's school library. Her class came in when I was there, and she was all smiles. I heard her tell her class "Thats my dad". I am also planning on starting work on my Masters this year. When I was a kid and most of the boys wanted to be firemen or baseball players, I wanted to be a librarian. (Yes, I do know how geeky that sounds. I was a geeky kid. I'm still geeky now, but in a cool way.) So now I am making that dream come true.
And when the ex called about some insignificant problem yesterday (a cat scratch on daughter's cheek), I didn't feel the need to scurry to find an excuse. I just kept my replies to the point and moved on.