Hmmmm. I may get a flurry of "get your head out of your arse or the sand" responses to this, Hops, but here goes.
I think money, like everything else is energy. The only reason it doesn't grow on trees, is that the collective consiousness is not currently allowing it. Yup. I said it.
My father had what I have heard called a "abundance consiousness". My mom, who grew up very very poor, not unlike most people at the time, during the depression. She had a "poverty consiousness". Her luckiest thing is that they found each other, and he taught her a different way to think...I think. This was one area where he taught her....there were plenty where she taught him as well.
She told me that she would frequently freak out about money (like most people would with nine kids) and my dad would simply tell her to "have faith, we will be ok. God is looking out for us" and by golly, something would drop out of the sky to help them out. It's not like my dad didn't work, he actually worked his butt off, but happily, creatively... So what would seemingly drop out of the sky was residuals from an old project, or a client would suddenly make it big and finally pay him....or something.
We were not "loaded" growing up, but in perspective, they fed and clothed and raised nine kids, and my mom pretty much ran the home show, so they made plenty. I never felt "poor" although I didn't get everything I wanted....(probably good, too.)
Anyway, now, as an adult, I see that consiousness of "lack" in my exN quite a bit: not enough love, not enough money, not enough time, not enough he has to cling like crazy to whatever he has, which is a lot money wise, but he is NOT going to let ME get my hands on any of it (as in child support....of course he doesn't see that as for the kids...)
I am not extravagant in any way, but I do not obsess about money like I used to, and I have been reading a lot about the consiousness of people who do make lots of money. Turns out it is a mind game more than anything else. If I did focus on what I do not have, financially, I would lose my mind, as this legal crap with my ex has cost....well, I know, but I hate to give it too much of my energy, as it feels like a downward emotional spiral to get into it. I know what it has cost, I know it could have gone to paying for college, but it's gone now. It does not help me CREATE abundance for myself by focusing on the LACK.
SO, my father's legacy to me is two fold: I saw him die happy, leaving his wife with enough money to not have to worry about it again. And he also left enough in his company to occassional help us out....and that is many times where my "magic money fallout occurs", just when I think I can't pay a bill, something happens, either a little bit from the family, or I get to do an extra project at work that yeilds what I need, or I get paid some strange payment from something I forgot about, or my son gets another scholarship to help pay for college...
But here is the bottom line for me:
I BELIEVE that I will be prosperous, and always have enough. I BELIEVE I will be able to afford what I need to be comfortable.
I KNOW I will leave my children with a bit of money to help them out, as my dad has (although I better not die soon, as it is currently not in the bank

). I BELIEVE in the abundance of the universe, and I work toward making sure I SHARE with those less fortunate, as I think there IS enough to go around, it is just not spread out too well.
One thing I do, is count my blessings. I really do. I think this is how we creat goodness for ourselves, by appreciating what we DO have.
I feel grateful every day that I do have a roof over my head, that my children are healthy, and that my dogs are, too.
I thank God and the universe for finding my love again, my peace of heart again, even though I have all these struggles, I am here. I have a good job. I have a wonderful family, friends. Everytime I appreciate and feel grateful, I feed myself such positive energy and vibrations, that I cannot help but attract the same. I believe this is how my dad did it. He worked hard, but with such grace and appreciation for every opportunity, that he CREATED his wonderful life. He was spiritually connected and aware....I think that is how he did it....or at least that's how he had FUN doing it.
You are doing what you can to insure your future proseperity. You have a (albeit not perfect!!) situation with a family member
that keeps a roof over your head. You are fun, funny and smart (noticeably) and not afraid to work hard. You are ASKING for ideas, input and help.
THAT, in my "head in the clouds, feet on the ground" opinion, is what makes us OKAY and dare I say: PROSPEROUS!!!