Hi Darky
What if it’s because you are happy and sad?
theres one little boy who wont give in until the last min and its the look of anger, resentment that makes me cry, and again i dont know why!!
Here you know why you cry, because of the anger and resentment on the little boy’s face. Is there anything that you can think of in your past that may trigger this?
there is one other bit in the film where nanny mcphee looks at the baby and calmly says "goodnight agatha" and the baby gives a confirming, trusting look to nanny mcphee and calms to her words, im in tears again
Here again, I got the impression that you knew why you cry, because of the confirming, trusting look to the nanny. So again, can you think of anything in your past? Was there someone who you trusted and who calmed you, or is it because there wasn’t anyone like that?
The holidays, visiting somewhere you visited as a child can bring mixed emotions of happy or sad times. What do you remember from your holiday in the past? Is it good, i.e. going to the beach, spending time with parents, or is it bad, getting told off, not really enjoying yourself?
Sorry Darky, I’ve not really answered any of your questions, just given you more to think about, but maybe it will help.
Take care
H&H xx