There are so many guest postings, I don't know which to choose a reply, but, this is also for the one called "don't be so judgemental."
While no particular benefits are bestowed upon us willing to register and log on, it does provide a degree of identification to those reading our posts. Unless IP addresses are somehow traced through our log-on data and you are scared of the cyber boogieman, I don't understand the need to be known as "guest." If what one guest said is true that "anyone can rediscover their voice," after years of childhood abuse of any type you want to mention, then a simple sign on to a website procedure should be a snap.
I am not so sure ghostN's are posting on this site as guest or maybe even using multi-logged names, so much as just plain spineless, bored trouble-makers who fancy themselves therapists and even maybe think they are more internet savvy than the rest of us. It seems like quite often when a "button-pushing" post is made, it's from a guest. But, haven't we wasted enough of our life on jerks? I just cringe when I see some of you well-intentioned, loving, kind, genuine, intelligent and whitespirit-filled Nvictims waste your energy trying to explain and argue with these types.
You bet our childhoods were denied to us -- AND --------- YOU CAN'T GO BACK AGAIN, GUEST !!! If you had been N'd, you would know that. Some of us got cheated by monsters we called Momma and Daddy

-- THE ULTIMATE NO-NO. I don't believe in reincarnation, we are not going to pass this way again, and what happened wasn't our fault. There was/is no karma going on, there were/are actions of free will chosen by our parents that were wicked and they hurt us -- smacked us around. It wasn't our fault. No child ever did anything to not receive love from their parent. Yes, our baby voices were stolen, repressed and oppressed. We are mourning and dealing with the aftermath. I can't remember who, but one of our registered members said: "We must not consider it a privilege to enjoy life. Joy and peace don't only belong to others, we can have them to." All of the little kids still inside us are trying to find peace -- so, don't argue. If you want to read, read -- if you want to post, sign in. We've had a lifetime of tricks played on us, we're not interested in any more.