FEAR and the Amygdala I have read the article done by time magazine about 6 months ago.
This little critter has caused me some trouble.Portia I took a simple look at the "fear circuitry " of the brain.
For bipolar folks the amygdala does not function correctly without medicine soooooooooooooooo I take it even if I seem well.
I used to get panic attacks those are gone now .I do look for hypo manic stages and I have no depression not what I call depression .
That minus zero the below the basement kind of depression no self .
That I have not experienced for a long time.The mood disorder bipolar 1 is the easiest treated of all.

I have experienced the flight or fight reactions but few delusions .
When I am in the state of higher self bipolar is a gift and can be managed
When I listen to a world that says shes "mentally ill" I fall and feel like I am nothing those gosh darn labels.
Thx portia for these websites cool

p.s. Mr moon loves brain chemistry and this interest has so helped him cope and understand Bipolar.............. He loved your websites as well
