Author Topic: Characteristics of Adult Children of Alcoholic **or Dysfunctional** Families  (Read 1596 times)


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  • It's about becoming real.
    • Gale Warnings
We used to read through this list at ACOADF* meetings, in order to remind ourselves that we weren't alone, and we weren't hopeless, but we did have to keep an eye on a few things because, due to the way we grew up, some of what felt like 'home' to us wasn't really 'homey'.

I'm sharing it because I suspect it may strike a chord with a few folks. Take what helps, and leave the rest -


1. Adult children of alcoholics guess at what normal behavior is.

2. Adult children of alcoholics have difficulty following a project through from beginning to end.

3. Adult children of alcoholics lie when it would be just as easy to tell the truth.

4. Adult children of alcoholics judge themselves without mercy.

5. Adult children of alcoholics have difficulty having fun.

6. Adult children of alcoholics take themselves very seriously.

7. Adult children of alcoholics have difficulty with intimate relationships.

8. Adult children of alcoholics overreact to changes over which they have no control.

9. Adult children of alcoholics constantly seek approval and affirmation.

10. Adult children of alcoholics usually feel that they are different from other people.

11. Adult children of alcoholics are super responsible or super irresponsible.

12. Adult children of alcoholics are extremely loyal, even in the face of evidence that the loyalty is undeserved.

13. Adult children of alcoholics are impulsive. They tend to lock themselves into a course of action without giving serious consideration to alternative behaviors or possible consequences. This impulsively leads to confusion, self-loathing and loss of control over their environment. In addition, they spend an excessive amount of energy cleaning up the mess.

*that's what it used to be called when I was going to meetings on the West Coast. It didn't just address alcohol abuse, but other family problems as well - workaholism, gambling addiction, and emotional abuse among others.
The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52