For those who do not know my circimstances I will give a quick heads up
hubby and i are married 26 yrs together he and I have 3 adult kids, ages 25, 24, 22
He has 2 adult kids from previous marriage who did not live with us ages, 35 32
so all in all we have 5 in total..... all the kids are fairly close as they all grew up together... so they go to bars together and buy each other gifts at Christmas etc...... extended family which for the most part has worked reasonably well, few personality quirks amongst them but they have managed to work through this and with this
Here is my delima, at Christmas eve we are always invited to hubbys daughters , where she invites her mom, (hubby's X) and then all of us so it is one big family gathering..
we have spent 2 Christmas eves as a big family where hubbys x has been there, I did this for my step daughter , even though I don't really want to , and I am not really comfortable spending christmas eve with hubbys x
it is not that we dont get along, or anything like that.. I just do not want to do this any more,
do you think I am wrong or selfish? sometimes i think for all the kids sakes i should just go along with it...
then i think, hey I do not think i should have to spend Christmas eve with hubby's X and I am not being selfish, they were married and now they are divorced and we are married 26 yrs now, why should i have to
what do you think? am i being selfish should I be expected to just sacrafice for the sake of everyone else, family harmony?