Author Topic: My heart is breaking!  (Read 1815 times)


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My heart is breaking!
« on: July 27, 2007, 02:38:56 PM »
Thank goodness i found this support group.  I have been reading about N for just over 6 months.  I never believed my mother could be one...but now the veil/my blinders are finally lifting....and it sucks!

As i have been reading people's experiences I am stunned that so many people have N's that even bother to communicate with them (writing letters, making calls etc).  When my mother gets upset with me, she rages and then nothing but the cold silent treatment.....for days....for weeks....for months....for long as it takes until the other person bows down and comes crawling back to her and apologizes for everything.  The problem is never discussed.  Only how YOU made HER feel.  Your feelings do not matter. Your point of view is wrong, warped, twisted, imagined.

The scenario with my own mother goes something like this:

I "offend" her (the molehill)....Ma, my kids have a cold. Did you have a cold? (this is asked out of pure concern for my own kids - if she had it i want to know - do they need antibiotics? Doctor? What should i look for? etc)

She rages against me (the mountain)....Who do you think you are talking to me like that? Are you accusing me of making your kids sick and spreading germs around?  You are so hurtful. Everytime you open your mouth your brains fall out. I will no longer babysit your children or visit your house...i don't want to be accused of making them sick

The standoff:  I don't speak to her. She won't speak to me.  I usually give in and then call her only to have her voice mail. Flowers returned. Letters returned.  

The truce:  I finally can't take it anymore and think the whole situation is stupid. SO i go to her house and only after i have told her it is completely my fault, please forgive me will she even speak to me.

This has gone on my whole life.  I didn't know about N then. I thought I was just a difficult daughter.

Everything changed when i had children though.  Now i find my N mom does things to my children (forgets birthdays, christmas, easter etc) b/c she knows it hurts me.  And i had enough. Even shunning my son's christening b/c i asked if she had a cold. So i grew a back bone and said, "nope. This time i will NOT grovel"

So now the standoff has been going for almost 2 years.  In the meantime i continue to send mother's day cards, christmas cards, birthday cards to my mother and NOTHING from her. Not one thing!  Then i find out she lies and tells people i am refusing to let her see my children and she is a model grandmother!   :x

She continues to give me the silent treatment. She is going to wait as long as it takes she says.  Pathological pride.  I feel sick to my stomach.  My mother just doesn't give a damn....and i feel so guilty also.  Maybe I'm the one with the problem? Why doesn't my mother even call me or send me a note?  Nothing but her damn silence.

I know so many people would say, "F*ck her" let her live without you.  But i miss her. I still love her b/c she is my mother.  I miss my brother who i can no longer see/visit now.  I miss my extended family too.  

I hate this power she has over me.  I see how my DH relates to his mom and i wish my own mother could be the same way.  Why does she have to be so stubborn?  Why is everyone always wrong and she is always right?  WHy does she say shite like "you will be sorry when i die you were not nice  to me"  and "you have always been a stubborn daughter to love' and "what did i do to deserve a daughter like you?'

When i think of what she has done i hate her.  And then i think of how there were times she made me feel on top of the world.  Why does her approval mean so much to me?  

How do you handle the silent treatment?  My mother has been known to not speak to people for YEARS (my aunt).  then when they finally come to her,she will say to everyone how much she suffered waiting for the other person to finally see the God has given her patience to wait it its too bad the other person is so STUBBORN and prideful....(why didn't my mother get off her ass and try to make peace instead?)


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Re: My heart is breaking!
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2007, 02:52:06 PM »

Dear mamaless,

So sorry for your heartache.  Stay here.  There is so much to learn.  You're not alone. 



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Re: My heart is breaking!
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2007, 03:00:09 PM »
I know so many people would say, "F*ck her" let her live without you.  But i miss her. I still love her b/c she is my mother.  I miss my brother who i can no longer see/visit now.  I miss my extended family too.

 Join the club. :roll:

 This will probably be of little help as you already know it, but they nearly always force us to choose between two bad options. Either we compromise our mental health and integrity, by in some way kow towing to their bizarre and toxic worldview, or we keep our integrity intact but allow them to do great harm to our reputations and familial relations, which bears its own form of damage to our mental health. You just have to decide which choice is less repulsive and damaging.
 I think you also know that the guilt you feel and your wondering if you are the problem are merely her successful projections. She's the problem; you know it and I believe she knows it. If you have a problem you either shave it down to a size you can cope with or you cut it out altogether.



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Re: My heart is breaking!
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2007, 03:11:20 PM »

Dear mamaless,

Mud is right.  Your mom is a paper tiger.  The fangs may look real, but they're not.  She is as empty as those fake highway patrol cars they put by the highway to scare speeders.  Hang in there girl.  Read here.  There's a lot to learn.



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Re: My heart is breaking!
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2007, 03:30:55 PM »
Hi Mamaless,
I'm so sorry you are going through this.  :(
I know you miss your mama. Sweetie, I'm not sure if there IS anything you can do.
They (N's) LOVE this kind of thing! They honestly believe they've done NOTHING wrong. And YOU"VE wronged THEM. At least that's how it works between my Nmother & me.
I'm on LC now for a long time.
She's just has no desire to see her grandkids or great grandkids. It really hurts!
It's all about her.
You sounds like such a sweet person. You really do.
I hope I can offer you comfort. I'm just about where you are, too.
"Sure I'd like to beat Notre Dame, don't get me wrong. But nothing matters more than beating that cow college on the other side of the state." -- Coach Bear Bryant....
          To a group of boosters before an Auburn game.


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Re: My heart is breaking!
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2007, 03:35:43 PM »

I handle the silent treatment now by understanding that there is nothing I can do and by being true to myself.  There was a time when I couldn't bear it and I used to send my mum cards with apology letters in.  I did this from being a child until one day, when I started to change she brought the whole lot out and said 'there you must be always in the wrong and I have proof!!!'  I realised then that by being untrue to myself that I was reinforcing her belief that she had to take no responsibility...

I still miss my fantasy mother..  The one who nurtures me and still loves me when I mess up but now I know she is a fantasy.. just a dream mum who bears no relation to the one I have.. and by understanding that I stay calm and try to get on with my life.  She is welcome to enter it on my terms only and that keeps me calm..  

Stick around and keep posting.. you are welcomed with open arms..


Spyralle x


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Re: My heart is breaking!
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2007, 03:48:44 PM »

You situation sounds so painful.  And I am sorry for the struggle and the pain of the manipulations. Hard to love someone that treats you this way. 

Part of our N family is giving us the silent treatment right now.  I am trying to practice the best skills I can while dealing with it. And I won't lie, it really hurts! My heart has broken over and over because of these two individuals. I know, at least in part, how you feel.

 I think my best defense is the detachment principles.  I don't stop loving them, but I do stop caring about how they choose to react.  It is really wonderful.  With my mother, I don't react now when she tries her manipulations on me.  I don't listen so much when she tries to get me on her side or when she tries to make me feel guilty or responsible.  I just kinda gently extricate myself from the conversations.   I just kinda don't care and turn my mind off to it.  For some reason, I am not as good at doing this with my il's :?, but I am seeing some success.  The cool part is that I actually love my mother more.  I talk to her - when I talk to her.  Don't keep track of time frames anymore.  Don't have expectations for her behavior.  When I do, I get upset and all bent out of shape.  This way, when she does do something nurturing, I can receive it and even celebrate it.  I am also seeing that the pressure is off of her too.  She is free to make mistakes with me.  I find myself being more patient with her because I don't need to stop doing stuff or needing her to meet my needs anymore.

Don't know if that is helpful, but it has made a difference for me. I still need lots and lots of practice.   :D


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Re: My heart is breaking!
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2007, 03:51:44 PM »
Hi Mamaless,

You are fighting a losing battle. She will never change. That is a fact.

Imposing a No Contact rule for yourself is a must!! no telephone, no cards, no email, no vists and begin to lose all thoughts of her. Return unopened anything she might send. Mark it "refused'.

I lived with an N, and I found after I left the insanity there was still an afterward 'obsession' about letting go, about revenge, but now after over 5 years he is just a dot on the overall in a mention here.

I can now thiink straight after all his crazymaking that screwed with my mind.

« Last Edit: July 27, 2007, 03:53:36 PM by isittoolate »


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Re: My heart is breaking!
« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2007, 08:08:03 PM »
Welcome, Mamaless...

My vote is you IMMERSE yourself in circles of strong positive women who befriend and support each other.

I am so sorry about your mother.

Let's find you some new ones. Sometimes the bio-one just doesn't have the equipment.
It's tragic but these power struggles just sap so much precious life energy.

If there's a chance we only have this one whirl here, how much of it do we spend turning the tap handle on a dry well, over and over and over, cursing it for having no water...?

(Spoken from experience.)

Glad you're here, warmest welcome.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: My heart is breaking!
« Reply #9 on: July 27, 2007, 08:43:52 PM »
Dear Mamaless,
   There has been so much wisdom ,here.My feeling when I read your letter was that you were missing and yearning for the mother who was never there( and probably never will be there). I can so relate to this. What I wanted most in life was a mother to love and nurture me. It became my reason for living. I thought that if I could only get my   mother to love me-- then I would be whole.
   I am facing that she does not know how to love. Love takes a maturity that she does not have.
   It is pitiful ,and horrible. It is beyond painful that we have to deal with a mother like this,.It is not fair,
     I am so, very, very sorry that you are going through this. Take with you the fact that you are not alone                                                                                  Love  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: My heart is breaking!
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2007, 12:26:11 PM »
(((Mammaless)))) Welcome.