Thank you, ((((((Tweety))))).
My D was knocked off the rails by grief and unfinished business. (They had a painful conflicted relationship--he neglected her and blamed her, and wasn't capable of any closeness. Plus, he lavished attention on her stepbrother half-brother, since they played baseball.) After his death my D dropped out of college twice and took a walk on the dark side. She finished college last year and has hopes now...after 6 years I think she's moving forward. But it cost her.
I grieved for him too. Never hated him, just hated being married to him. But it was terrible that he died so young. He was also a briliiant man, intellectually. And my D lionized him, went through his thousands of books devouring every handwritten note and scrap of paper. One of her tattoos (sigh) is about him--she put it on the inside of her upper arm and showed me how it meant that she could give herself a hug from him.