Iphi is precisely right. When they fear losing control of someone (your H) they seek to isolate, shun and demonize the person who is threatening their little world. And they invariably do it, as Shunned pointed out, by projecting their worst traits onto the victim.
This was my first reaction, plus, as I read what N wrote to your husband, I have been learning how to listen/respond to verbal abuse from a book I've been reading called "You can't SAY THAT to me"
Isolate the part where she labels you those nouns- psychopath, etc...and read the first part..."you expect me to...."
HEAR THAT...N's are known for saying to people that have disagreements with them "What do you WANT me to do"...clearly, this is a lady who is not only projecting, but trying to GUILT your husband for wanting her to have sympathy and understanding. Having ANY SORT OF TENDER FEELINGS just about KILLS a narcissist! Asking them to feel "pity, conviction, sadness, mourning, sorrow, etc, is like asking them to undergo surgery without an anesthetic."
In essence, what N mil is doing here, is telling your husband "you should be ASHAMED of yourself for expecting us to show human care and emotions about your situation." Again, IGNORE the labels...those are just a sidetrack issue to get your man DIVERTED from the metamessage underneath it all.
My view