Hey guys.... I had the kind of flu where I Yacked every hour until I felt empty and realized I hadn't been digesting ANYTHING all day long, as I recognized it meal by meal ACK!
WARNING... GORY DETAIL ALERT: Cream cheese with sun dried tomatos and crackers to start with..... then icky, not favorite foods, in between ending in way too much Starbucks coffee ice cream with chocolate covered almonds ice cream with way too much peanut butter. I'd throw up then try to rinse my mouth and the smell would have me vomiting in the sink again. ::cringe:: I had it in my nose so that went on till I got everything cleaned up...... ::gak:: Midnight to 3am, all told I think.
thank God, lol.
Afterwards I had achey hips, legs, shoulders neck and head I couldn't sleep through.
The next day, yesterday, brought neck and head pain that made me scream a few times.
I want to say it wasn't as bad as some stomach flu's I've had but.... I'm ready for it to be all over now. I still get chills but all pain gone. Just weak and not feeling particularly strong.
::washing sheets, bathrooms and hands A LOT::
Stay well and knowthat the flu shots are for the lung influenza stuff... not stomach viruses.
Thanks for the chicken soup, tea and good thoughts: )
ps Has anyone had their eye go all virusy with the stomach flu? I think all that was part of the stomach stuff