Hello Flower and all,
Sibling communication, probably a good topic for a thread. My mother was not comfortable knowing when we kids would be talking about our parents as the topic, but I guess that's natural. She wasn't the Alpha N but she had a "mole" in the Kid Zone in that my brother would report to her anything I said that was damaging to me. Never mind the fact that he was an equal participant in the conversation...as I posted on another thread, I learned to keep my cards close to my vest.
Once in a while I let my guard down, and whap!, I learn and remember why I need to keep my guard up. In addition, I was not allowed to tattle on him at any time. He was like a informer in a concentration camp, sucking up to the guards. As a result, I do not confide in friends as much as close friends do and that has kept distance in my friendships. It bothers me, but that's the way I'm built.
Just recently I was sharing with a sib about the Alpha N, actually the other way around. As I was listening, I heard a story about growing up that I had blocked out but remembered as I heard it. My leg started shaking uncontrollably, not just a jitter, but full on spastic movements, like I was in shock maybe? It was about how angry my father was that we "ate so much" and we weren't
allowed to do that. I think I shook because it was scary to consciously realize that one of my parents didn't want to feed me. That we were competing for food, not sharing.

Ick, Seeker