Hi ((Bear)),
I felt such a connection and them I just read your reply to my thread and said wow i feel the same way.
I couldn't respond because I felt frozen, I could feel how betrayed you were. My heart is still pounding for what she did to
your brand new family.
You have received wonderful advice and support and I ditto everything above.
N was my maid of honor. Nightmare from the moment I asked her. (Back then we were together all the time, even though I new something wasn't right, I still did what I thought was appropriate.)
I had two miscarriages. My sister said, "I"M sorry." I said like an idiot, hated myself, didn't deserve to share my pain and loss ...I said, "It's O.K." Because I knew, felt in my gut their was no time for me. I was good, now we can TALK ABOUT HER. I was programed.
When I was pregnant again, and petrified of losing another baby.
Sister N said Not to buy anthing for the baby until she is born because it will bring me bad luck. When her daughter, who is 6 years younger than me got pregnant she wallpapered her grandbabies room before she had the baby. Crib, and Minnie and all! I was furious.
She new I was going to breastfeed. I was the first one in my family to do so. I was about 6 months pregnant and we worked together (another nightmare) she came over and told me, like she was doing me a favor that
MOTHERS WHO BREASTFEED SHE FOUND OUT KILL THEIR BABIES. She said, "I have to tell you just encase you haven't heard."
Till this day I want to ring her neck for saying such an evil thing to me. Trying to take away something special and beautiful and shame me for my decision.
I breastfed three beautiful babies. She had me so stripped down to nothing I have no idea how I had the strength not to cave into her sickness.
When I went over her house for coffee for the first time after having my baby. She sat at her kitchen table looking at me with disgust.
Finally she says, in an ugly selfish bit** voice. Baby doesn't want to look at your chest all day, she wants to look at the world."
I wanted to cry she was weeks old. She made me feel sick.
Then she said, "We can have coffee put her down on my bed." It was right off the kitchen. I did what she said and she put pillows around her and my know it all sister gave her a Riddal and wrapped her week old fingers around it. My little girl didn't let it go, she wasn't opening her hand it was still in a tight fist position.
Well at just weeks old, my daughter hit her head with it because she was tooooooo young to shake or let go of it herself. Idiot sister and idiot mom, thats me!
I stood in the doorway and watched my baby, as she drank her coffee and went on and on and on all about herself.
Her kids were all grown up and was acting like my mother who knew everything and had had nothing in common with me. She had her special time and wasn't going to give me mine.
Till this day, deep inside I knew it didn't feel right. I still feel the guilt till this day I didn't have the b*lls to say NO. She is staying with ME!
Thank goodness we went NC for 10 years after my daughter turned 8 months old.
I got triggered. I so understand how you feel. How it eats away at you.....your heart.........your moment........they take your life.
I can't even say what she deserves. Hold your dear baby close, never let her steal a second of your mommy time, family time ever again.
Sorry I went off...yikes..the memories.

I hope you can find peace soon. she doesn't deserve to be thought of, ...... or rent anymore space in your brain!!!
With empathy, seasons