Hi Ami,
Before I answer that...some background here.....
As a child, having been largely cut off from my feelings and made to feel bad and wrong, I did the logical thing and assumed that I must be offending God. My parents couldn't be wrong so they must know some things about religion that I didn't. So I turned my mind to figuring out religion. As early as 6th grade I'd read enough about the history of my parents religion to come to some serious conclusions about what I believed and what I didn't. What I found instead was a great deal of unpleasant church history. Many of these early father (always men!!) seemed to be more like my mother that any God I could conceive of. For a while I felt like I must be evil. Other children found me strange, my parents didn't like me and the stress of it all was causing me to act out in ways that meant I didn't much like me either.
It was then that I somehow discovered the work of Edgar Cayce. Even though he lived and died as a protestant, his wonderful loving view of the universe and the knowledge available from our "higher self" gave me permission to look to myself for guidance. That higher self drew me immediately to book on astrology and a tarot deck the first time I entered a bookstore. I didn't even know what they were...I just knew I wanted those things and my mother bought them for me without even asking what they were.
When I was able to do my own chart, I was amazed that it knew me so well. It also told me lots of good things about myself. These were things I'd suspected but was not able to confirm in my home environment. So astrology became my sounding board. The tarot cards were very interesting and enlightening as well. The first time I read for anyone else was when I was 18 and my intuition was dead on about the affair my friends father was having. Unfortunately I was coaxed into reading at a party when everyone was drinking and didn't take my ability to read for others seriously. She was quite embarrassed!
Have they ever hurt me? Never. They supported my development as a self-sustaining human being. I can't say that they would do that for everyone and there are unscrupulous readers so I don't advocate that everyone run to a psychic or astrologer. Astrology is pretty straight forward, you either have the moon in cancer of you don't and the meaning of that is pretty well agreed upon. Tarot reading is an art form and interpretations can vary with the skill, honesty and introspective ability of the reader, especially when reading for self. If you are determined to see things only one way, you will read the cards that way. Openness to other ways of seeing a situation is important.
Today I always ask anyone I am serious about knowing for their chart, especially if they are relationship material. My question is not, "is this a love match". I want to know what the challenges are in the relationship and what I can possibly learn from the person.