Author Topic: Flavor  (Read 1631 times)


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« on: November 02, 2004, 12:16:56 PM »
Wow - I just caught up on some posts. I must say, some responses I read regarding N types and the "***" must go threads sound like I'm talking to an N. This is not really a friendly place right now. I see some of us being bashed IMHO for wanting to discuss issues we experience daily. It appears some only want to frequent the nasty threads and the other  threads are not even being read.

There is a lot of references to seeing the N in ourselves. Everyone has N tendencies. We do not deny that. But when we are sharing personal experiences we are not looking for someone to tell us how bad we are. There are other boards we can get that behavior from. This is supposed to be a board for those feeling voiceless and wanting to recover.

Instead it is turning into a board that turns people voiceless and creates emotional havoc.

Not a good board anymore. If there is a moderator of any type reading these postings, please have a heart and intervene.

I'm taking off for a while. This is not a comfortable place.


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Re: Flavor
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2004, 12:36:29 PM »
Quote from: Anonymous
Wow - I just caught up on some posts. I must say, some responses I read regarding N types and the "***" must go threads sound like I'm talking to an N. This is not really a friendly place right now. I see some of us being bashed IMHO for wanting to discuss issues we experience daily. It appears some only want to frequent the nasty threads and the other  threads are not even being read.

There is a lot of references to seeing the N in ourselves. Everyone has N tendencies. We do not deny that. But when we are sharing personal experiences we are not looking for someone to tell us how bad we are. There are other boards we can get that behavior from. This is supposed to be a board for those feeling voiceless and wanting to recover.

Instead it is turning into a board that turns people voiceless and creates emotional havoc.

Not a good board anymore. If there is a moderator of any type reading these postings, please have a heart and intervene.

I'm taking off for a while. This is not a comfortable place.

Maybe this time you will really stay away.  Then things will get back to the way they were before.  You fool no one.


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« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2004, 05:31:51 PM »
There is a lot of references to seeing the N in ourselves. Everyone has N tendencies. We do not deny that. But when we are sharing personal experiences we are not looking for someone to tell us how bad we are.

what the heck are you talking about? who told anyone they were "bad" on the types of n thread?  

are you fm who can't handle someone disagreeing with you?if you're not you're not-just asking.

and calling people n's on such a board as this is you, the pot, calling the kettle black. it is unkind like you say it has been around here lately and it is also definitely telling people how bad they are. from all that we know about them--how can it be much worse than being called an n!!!