Hi There, just checking in to see the latest responses on this thread. Welcome nihil, I believe you to be a newcomer. I think your intuition is correct about the two areas of faulty logic. The problem is, they are subconscious 'reactions'. As indicated in the book I am currently reading - which by the way I recommend highly - "If You Had Controlling Parents" - the voice inside saying those 'you will fail' things is referred to as the
internalized parents. We can disengage physically from our Nparents, but to ignore the internalized parents is an entirely different task. I have yet to read the part of this book that tells you how - I hope it will shed some light on changing!
I don't know about you all, but even after a couple of years of hard work and healing I still struggle with understanding what I am really feeling at the moment - if the feelings are MINE or those that my parents instilled in me. Sometimes I feel as if I am outside of my own body - watching myself act instead of BEING and FEELING.
An example is coming up right now. My husband and I are talking about having a halloween costume party. Every time I have a party, I obsess about everything from the house being completely decorated to serving a ridiculous spread of gourmet food. Subconsciously (or now, more consciously

) I have always needed to have people leave with the feeling that I can throw a party like no one else-competitive that my house has to be the "nicest". I know on some level I'm seeking admiration and validation (everyone always raves about the food and decorating, and for a moment there is the "yes, CC you ARE a good girl" that my inner child seeks - the approval junkie as the seeker mentioned).
Friends offer to bring things, but I tend to decline because the Nperfectionist in me thinks I can do it better (sorry

) And usually, the entertainment we provide is so exhausting that I don't enjoy myself because I am too worried about how everything is presented - then at the end of the night when everyone is ready to leave I start drinking to relax and want everyone to stay longer
But some of it I really enjoy (I think??) I am passionate about food, and really would like to share this passion with friends - and I am forcing myself to be a little more social per my therapist's recommendation. I want to be more genuine with my friends. I know on a cognitive level I don't need to impress them (they're already impressed - I want them to see more of the real me, whatever that is!). But Separating childhood needs from what my true current feelings are -from what truly makes me happy - no success.. I really don't know how to do this.
I have often visualized myself throwing one dinner party a month, with just a few couples and a different theme (Asian, Hawaiian, French, etc.) talking about it for over two years but I keep putting it off because the idea overwhelms me.. I can't do anything halfway so I feel compelled to be extravagant and it seems like too much work
I don't have any special method for dealing with this halloween party situation, but this time I have
awareness that I have not have for the precedents. I thought perhaps I would write down what I would normally do for a party like this, and then try to cross off half of what's on the list and go with that. I will only make things I can make a day ahead, and serve at room temp. Don't know if it will work, but I'm willing to give it a go.
Echo, I loved your garden reference. I too, enjoy the garden. I feel as if I am a healthy rosebush that has thorns and leaves but just can't seem to come to bloom. I feel lost, inside myself.. where am I? I know you have felt this way too.
Signalfire, I looked for that book "writing the mind alive" at the library, there was no listing. Would you tell me the author's name so I can look on Amazon or something? Would really appreciate it..
Kind of getting chit-chatty so I'd better sign off, love and peace to all of you. Thanks for your support as always.