I wonder...
in some ways, in your rambling... I hear a bit of my own itchy, restless, squirmy, but tired, sluggish, tired-of-it-all beat head on wall ... sigh... ONE MORE TIME... and try to "get" whatever it is... that I don't have... or see what everyone but me sees... or... something!
and I wonder...
for me, in my circumstance, if I haven't got my understanding of my personal situation completely bass-ackwards. In that, what I really NEED in my present moment isn't something I "don't have"... rather, what I NEED... is to let something GO. Like I'm carrying too much and it's starting to slip out of my fingers as I strain to lug something I never really liked or wanted in the first place around with me, to the next stage of my life...
I wonder...
if it's like my inner child is the "guardian" of my strong emotional core self... and running through the self-exposure, the self-analysis, the hypervigilant double-checking, personal responsibility, self-reflexive picking at old and new wounds... just doesn't cut it anymore. It was great to finally experience that; I absolutely NEEDED to experience that - once. The "magic" of that process - while completely appropriate initially - wears off. (and every T will have a different perception of and opinion about - me). And maybe "someone else" never, ever had the "magic" to accomplish the final "hat trick"...
I wonder...
if - in it's simplicity - there is more powerful "magic" in reminding myself: my perception of the world around me, of my own self (thoughts & emotions & behavior) was overtly TRAINED to first accept a negative definition and description and "prediction" of motivations. The word "can't"... inability to... seems to be some kind of strange nemesis for me - something to be defeated, proven wrong, a type of tyranny of self-definition....
So many good things about life were tainted for me, at such an early age, with this negativity... the "bad", the "can't", the shame, even.
Maybe this "discomfort" I'm experiencing is simply my inner child desperately trying to get my attention and permission to change the "channel". Watch, experience (even if vicariously)... DO... BE... something else - SANS the constant automatic NEGATIVE association. Put it down, bury it in the sand, let the ocean have it... forget where I left it...
I really don't need THAT, now do I?
I'm gonna buy 2 pair of cheap sunglasses. One pair will have black frames and dark, dark lenses. The other will have white frames with green (the color of healing) lenses. When I take off the black pair - it'll be reminder to just set down that whole complete encyclopedia of "negative" - too. Put on, (even if I'm "putting myself on") my soul-satisfying-it's all good in this very moment- glasses... once a day. And then go giggle at myself for such a rediculous idea.
THAT'S "good juju". DO-BE-DO-BE-DOO....