I used to sit out on the back porch, in the treetops, and really enjoy being there. Taking breaks, working on legal stuff, just scads of it, and somehow things were better on that swing.
Now, having lost a dear friend recently, I see those leaves, and I feel terrible loss and sadness. I hope it doesn't last. I just couldn't know that I'd be talking to her the last time on that porch swing, looking at the leaves, now I'm reminded sharply of her when I'm there.
I leave for the beach tomorrow, and hope the back porch means serenity and safety when I return.
Also, about moving, I wish I'd just sold all my furniture when I moved last. I think I would be lighter, and happier, and less burdened with things, and memories (that haunt just a little.)
If you can, consider paring down to a minimum, and as you say, making room for new things, if you care to have them. Nothing like clean, uncluttered sunny spaces to bring energy, and creativity, IME.
ps Must remember to count my blessings.... my children did very well on State mandated test scores. I didn't realize I had anxiety until I read those scores, and a little sob welled up, and surprised me. It's been a bumpy year with an ill parent, much travel out of State, homeschooling for the first time, and all the legal turmoil to boot......
but we're surf'en real good. ::nodding::