For the last 2 years Nboss has had a new handmaiden. A hyper-religious honey-coated person who has her sincere side, but who behaves as though authority and power are what motivate her most.
Very very sugar-coated, gushing, etc. But from the moment she walked in (she was formerly ProdMan's right hand, for anyone who remembers the saga of his hatred for me), she treated me as a threat.
And she has won. Long story short, my requests for quiet (she shrieks with laughter all day and creates a whole lot of noise, and I have a very hard time--worse than colleagues--concentrating) have irritated her to the point that she stirred the pot with Nboss until it all erupted. He wrote an absolutely vicious, classic, beat-down "writeup" of me for my "not contributing positivity to the company culture" and has had it put in my file.
New Young Man (few years, soon to be CEO) is an ally so I don't think I'm going to lose my job. But it was just remarkably vicious. Attacking my personality, character, very very personal language. Similar to things he's done in the past, and clearly the culmination of all of these years of toxicity.
I can't go anywhere, need to work at least 5 more years. So I'm going to do my best to turn into a Gray Rock and wait him out (he does plan to retire and turn the reins over, and I know the new CEO values me, as does my closest work colleague). But if Nboss on his own was toxic, in combination with ... what shall I call her ... The Saint, the dynamics are ghastly. The office staff seem pretty okay, and new CEO (to be soon) is okay.
Oh. Forgot to say a key point. Nboss wedged his own 23 y/o son into our dept., who has no experience or talent for his tasks, and ... surprise ... turns out his son is vicious too. He complained nonstop to his father about my editing of his work (which tobeCEO described as "incoherent") -- and that's what set Nboss after me. How DARE I.