I'm trying to break away from my Nmom and live life on my own terms, and I do very well for a while, but then I fall back into the same old dance of trying to please her and win her approval. It's like I take one step forward and a half dozen back, only to start over again. It frustrates me.
I've been forced to live with my Nmom since I graduated from college. First because I was pregnant and needed help getting back on my feet when my boyfriend left me (I believe he was also an N). And after I got my act together again, my mom ruined my credit so that I couldn't move away. I've finally gotten the credit mess under a bit of control, and I'm ready to move out and away from her. But everytime I try to break away, she steps in and just destroys my psyche so that I believe I can.
I have some wonderfully supportive friends who live in other states, and I'd love to just take my son and run away. The only problem, as I discovered when I tried living on my own the last time, is that my Nmom refuses to let go. She's determined that I should be her emotional dumping ground, and that I should worship her for all the wonderous things she's done for me. I can't reason with her at all, and if I move out of state, she'll just start stalking me once again.
So, I was just wondering if getting away ever gets easier. Sorry, I ended up venting a bit.