Those are really hard feelings...resentment is vicious. I felt it so much toward Nboss during my job that it was poisoning me.
Envy is another (the undeserving coworker being rewarded).
Powerful dream, Ales. And respect to you for paying attention to it.
Please don't be spooked by my mentioning this...because I have spotted these things in myself from time to time. But envy can be associated with narcissistic stuff. Feeling intense envy, coupled with rage (which your dream-self was grappling with)...might be a signal of N traits to reckon with.
I've written here before about how I've found in myself at times, particularly during periods of great stress, what I call "Nspots." Types of thinking or reactions that if I looked closely enough to name them, I'd call narcissistic traits. They were modeled for me powerfully and they're in there. I think we all have the capacity for these to various degrees, and children of narcissists can be especially alarmed by any evidence of them.
One is resentment (cousin of envy). Another is entitlement (not frequent any more but I'd catch a train of thought on a parallel track to the resentment that fit the term). I found a trick that works really well to shut it down. Has been a good while since I've had that kind of thought...but here's the tip.
If a description of any of your trains of thought or feelings about another person could be started off with the phrase "How dare he..." or "How dare she..." -- that's a strong clue to entitlement, imo. (I made this up, but it feels true to me.)
When I was struggling with intense resentment (my Nmother, then Nboss)...that stuff was swirling. I was so horrified by it years back that I asked my therapist over and over, am I a narcissist? Mercifully, I finally believed him. I'm not. (He said, the pure agony you feel at even the prospect of occasional N-ish thoughts? It's the opposite.)
But I WAS raised by one. And he said it's not uncommon to internalize some of the damage by now and then manifesting some of the traits.
It can give you chills to "Nspot." I told my T I was playing whack-a-mole with anything in myself that reminded me of narcissism. He said, and that's it. The difference is that when you experience moments of that toxicity in yourself, you WHACK it. You name it, own it, and wrestle with it until you find your way to a healthier way of feeling.
Otherwise, I think something like Buddhism, or anything that emphasizes compassion, is the kind of practice that heals that stuff. I even managed compassion for Nboss and Nbrother at times. By the end of Nmom's life, I was all the way there for her.
Lastly, with powerful or disturbing dreams I always remember what a professor said once--"There is no such thing as a nightmare. All dreams are your subconscious processing hopes or fears, and trying to signal you to take care of your inner life."
Your dream showed you envy and rage and entitlement, and where they can go (inside, not that you'd act them out) if they remain unhealed.
Good for you for noticing. Good for you for naming. Good for you for how disturbed you felt by it. (I don't know but I wonder whether severe narcissists would even have such a dream or much less, be so perturbed by it....)