Author Topic: How Do You Manage Your Stress?  (Read 20648 times)


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Re: How Do You Manage Your Stress?
« Reply #15 on: February 11, 2017, 02:48:24 PM »
Hi ((((Tupp))))

I'm glad you're feeling better.... working on re training for yourself, and full time education choices for son.... he's growing up, and his world might benefit, in all ways/unexpected ways, from expansion? 

Not sure, but I trust you, and I trust that you're looking after his needs in the best possible way...... always.

Going back to the good T sounds like a great idea too. 



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Re: How Do You Manage Your Stress?
« Reply #16 on: February 14, 2017, 09:29:35 AM »
Thank you, (((((((((((((Lighter)))))))))))))))

Yes I think the time to expand his world has come.  He's more like a six to seven year old mentally than a fifteen year old but hormones pay no attention to that so he's getting interested in girls and wanting to spend more time alone.  I think it would be good for him to be with other kids all day now; in the past it's been too tiring for him but I think it would be best now (still tiring, but I think it would be better to be tired and with them rather than not tired without them).  It will take time to sort out, funding obstacles as always, but it's reasonably straightforward and I know lots of people who help out with this sort of thing so it should be relatively straight forward.

I've decided to take a bit of an 'at home' holiday.  I definitely feel that I've let something go over the last few days and I feel very tired but in a relaxed and contented way, rather than an exhausted way.  So I've decided to fit in my yoga and mediation each day (that's going okay, I'm not going mad on it, just trying to do a little more each day), rest, take naps, go for walks and just sort of potter rather than rushing around trying to prove I'm not useless all day long.  Something has definitely shifted; I just don't feel as driven to prove that I'm worth existing.  I kind of feel alright in myself whether I'm doing a lot or not very much.

Anyway - an odd thing.  I decided to go out for breakfast this morning, to a nice cafe we haven't been to for a long time.  We were driving there and I was thinking how nice it is not to keep bumping into my parents - I haven't seen either of them since we moved and I've stopped tensing up everytime I see a van that looks like his.  We went to the cafe and on the way there saw a notice for shamanic drumming circles, something I've been wanting to try.  I felt it was one of those 'universe' moments and smiled to myself.  We had a nice breakast and a nice chat with the people in the cafe.  We went to the charity shop and I bought my son a DVD and had a chat with the ladies in there - again, nice.  We went in to the cake shop for a treat for later on and again, three nice people in there went out of their way to chat to us.  So I was in one of those 'the universe is telling me there are nice people around' moods.  We got in the van to head for home, headed off down a narrow lane that we don't drive down very often, went round the corner - and literally ran straight into my stepdad.  He does tree work and was cutting large trees by the side of this narrow road so half the road was shut and to get by I'd literally have to drive within an inch of his foot (he was waving traffic through so there was no way he wouldn't see me).  I just swung into reverse and went back the way we came.  What was interesting (apart from the bugger popping up on the same day I was thinking how nice it was not to see him) was that I didn't/haven't had a massive reaction to it.  I've just carried on with my day.  Sometimes my reactions are delayed so maybe it will come later but at the moment I feel unaffected by it.  It will be interesting to see what happens - and very nice if nothing happens at all :)


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Re: How Do You Manage Your Stress?
« Reply #17 on: February 15, 2017, 12:40:20 PM »
First.... ((((Tupp))))  Intersecting paths with the SF...... such an odd thing, esp since you'd been thinking of him. 

Do you sometimes think we attract or repel things, depending on the energy we send into the world....  with thoughts we have?   I'm not saying seeing him has any meaning, outside the opportunity to observe how you're feeling, and responding in the moment.  That's what it is, IMO.  It's about your journey, and that journey will carry on beyond your past..... in it's own time.  In it's own way.

All will be well.

Maybe you're supposed to experience having very little response to seeing him... and you're supposed to have that information today.  Maybe this is something you can put ONE pin in, and move past.... knowing there will be many pins, and you'll be OK handling them too.

About feeling better....Do you think BEING in observer mode is part of that?  I think it is for me right now.  I truly do.

what a grand day.... to just lean into happy expectations, and enjoy nice things as they happen for you.   

THESE are the experiences you want more of.

You're getting more, and I'd love to see you engage in the drumming circle too.  You'll meet new people, learn something new, and perhaps find an interest that feeds your heart and soul in ways you won't understand until you're in those moments.

My DD16 is in a Djembe drumming exhibition group, so it's funny you bring this up as she performed last Friday and will again this Friday.  When she was first introduced to it she resisted..... she said she didn't enjoy it, etc.  The truth was.... she didn't enjoy doing something she wasn't good at.  Practice brought great joy, and now her entire face changes when I see her drum. She LOVES it..... her entire groups is amazing. 

The truth is..... I struggle not to break into tears when they play.... it brings up powerful emotions.... they just flood over me.... I always regret not remembering kleenex. 

I do think music can be tranforming..... link us, and open spaces inside us.

Yes: )

That's my way of saying I'd love to read you've taken up drumming!

DD16 said she'd like to have drumming circles around our Amazon bondire..... but she'd need help asking people to attend.  This was HUGE bc she's usually not aware when she needs to ask for help, but there it was.... soft, thoughtful, and not at all a struggle for her.  This makes me happy for her, and for me, bc inviting happy, healing spirits to the bonfire is something I've wanted to do, which reminds me.... I just made friends with the music teacher at dd14's school.  She WOULD LOVE this. 

Well...... I'm going to resist falling into doubt, and questioning the good things.  After I posted yesterday I simply DID things I used to do without struggle.... no thought.  Just DID. 

I chalked it up to making connections about my inner struggles, which freed up brain function to shift into something else, which it did on it's own.  It was grand, TUPP!  Things that used to bring me pleasure...... brought pleasure again.  I'm talking doing my feet.... a simple self care thing, and cleaning the face of kitchen cabinets.  Not special, but SO SPECIAL bc my brain was in the zone without effort.

I'm glad we're breathing easier and noticing more joy together.... now.   Our kids are growing up, their needs are shifting, and so are ours. 

Sharing some of the journey with you feels right too; )



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Re: How Do You Manage Your Stress?
« Reply #18 on: February 15, 2017, 03:27:03 PM »
Wow how amazing that she is loving the drumming, Lighter, and recognising when to ask for help - I think we all need to practise that a bit more :)  And that those simple things are getting easier for you again.  It's lovely when you can just potter about, doing nothing terribly urgent or important but enjoying doing it and feeling good for doing it.  And yes, sharing the journey is always a good thing :)

I've not had a bad reaction to seeing my step-dad, other than eating too many biscuits last night.  Given that I used to disassociate for days at a time if I saw him or become physically ill, I think a couple of chocolate digestives is fine :)

Today has been a good day.  I did some yoga and meditated this morning.  I caught up on some housework and my son helped me prep up food for today and tomorrow.  We've been out to do some shopping and run some errands and we gave the van a good wash.  I've spent some time enjoying the garden and that constant reel of criticism, judgement, should do, ought to that runs through my head and always has done has got very quiet.  I went out with bird's nest hair, yesterday's clothes and my wellies on and I didn't mind a bit :)

I have chosen to see yesterday's events as the Universe showing me all the good things - the drumming circle, the nice people, the nice food that someone else cooked, the fact that my son was well enough to (a) leave the house and (b) walk to the various places we went to - that are out there and that Mr Numpty 'messed up should have gone to therapy himself' isn't important any more.  He was a minor inconvenience to my day, causing a delay of no more than two minutes and that's all he was.  He doesn't matter.  I like that view and I'm sticking to it :)


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Re: How Do You Manage Your Stress?
« Reply #19 on: February 20, 2017, 12:19:00 PM »
This is a great topic. I have to say that I related to every word in Lighter's first post. Yes, it IS inside us, especially those of us who have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder (I'm guessing many, if not all children of Ns have some level of anxiety). In a case like that, it's a true biological condition that we can only hope to manage, but never cure. We stress over managing our stress, a cycle that's so hard to break.

My stress has been managed well at times, while sometimes so bad that it's been disabling. It was definitely easier to manage when I was working full time, probably because my mind was so occupied with work. I find that the more free time I have, the harder it is to control stress. You'd think the opposite would be true, but in my case, a mind at rest is just a sponge that's ready to soak up all the bad stuff. The horror show we're experiencing in the States right now has really pegged my stress level. Those racist, vile comments that you talked about on Internet forums is definitely a trigger. I know that I need to stop reading them, but at the same time, I also feel that I need to read the news in order to stay informed. Why is it so hard to ignore those comments? It's like a horrible trainwreck that you can't turn away from. I imagine that issue is probably causing anxiety on a global scale. It really is awful. I don't think that particular problem is going to go away anytime soon, so we'll all need to figure out a way to look in the opposite direction.

I've also had old memories that were long buried come back to haunt me. Things that happened when I was only five years old, now back with startling clarity. Tupp, I'm so sorry that you've had to suffer the trauma of rape. I'm not sure how one copes with that. I was sexually assaulted a few years back, just groped, so minor in comparison. Still, that moment will be with me for the rest of my life. I think that's a given with any trauma. Have you thought of writing about it? If you like to write, a good essay on your experience might act as a release, with the bonus of offering comfort to other women. I need to practice what I preach, though. My writing instructor is always encouraging me to write essays, and I just procrastinate. That's a whole other problem that needs to be dealt with. :?

Because my mind needs a distraction, I'm trying to avoid situations where I'm alone, bored, and open to dwelling on things. Human contact is always good. That one can be a challenge for me since I'm no longer working, but just getting outside, walking the dog, and chatting with neighbours does so much to lift my spirits and take me out of that dark place.

I've also been going to my psych a lot more in recent months. Unfortunately, her time is so limited, I always feel rushed, but I also feel much better for having gone.

When I'm alone, two things that distract me in a positive way are reading (good novels, not news), and music. Music is probably the biggest healer for me. Putting on some favourite songs, and just dancing around a little, that can take me to another place. Sometimes it even helps to listen to songs that have depressing lyrics about abuse or whatever, but I relate to them, and they bring me comfort. Does that sound weird? You mentioned your drumming, and I think that's great. There's something magical about music, whether listening to it or creating it. I think we should all put on a favourite record today and dance. ABBA, anyone? :)


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Re: How Do You Manage Your Stress?
« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2017, 05:59:37 PM »
I try to do a little research on trauma every day.  Today I happened on this video by Dr. Bessel van der Kolk.

THis video is good bc it gives so much information about how the brain and body are involved in trauma, and healing same, IMO.  Particularly childhood trauma. 

Dr. Kolk is not too keen on Western medicine..... you'll hear that pretty clearly.  He's also not insisting there's one magic bullet or path to heal trauma.  He simply points out WHY certain healing modalities help, and cites the work and studies to back it up. 

This kind of information really appeals to my need to know what and why.   You may have to copy and paste the link; )


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Re: How Do You Manage Your Stress?
« Reply #21 on: February 21, 2017, 06:25:13 AM »
This is a great topic. I have to say that I related to every word in Lighter's first post. Yes, it IS inside us, especially those of us who have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder (I'm guessing many, if not all children of Ns have some level of anxiety). In a case like that, it's a true biological condition that we can only hope to manage, but never cure. We stress over managing our stress, a cycle that's so hard to break.

My stress has been managed well at times, while sometimes so bad that it's been disabling. It was definitely easier to manage when I was working full time, probably because my mind was so occupied with work. I find that the more free time I have, the harder it is to control stress. You'd think the opposite would be true, but in my case, a mind at rest is just a sponge that's ready to soak up all the bad stuff. The horror show we're experiencing in the States right now has really pegged my stress level. Those racist, vile comments that you talked about on Internet forums is definitely a trigger. I know that I need to stop reading them, but at the same time, I also feel that I need to read the news in order to stay informed. Why is it so hard to ignore those comments? It's like a horrible trainwreck that you can't turn away from. I imagine that issue is probably causing anxiety on a global scale. It really is awful. I don't think that particular problem is going to go away anytime soon, so we'll all need to figure out a way to look in the opposite direction.

I've also had old memories that were long buried come back to haunt me. Things that happened when I was only five years old, now back with startling clarity. Tupp, I'm so sorry that you've had to suffer the trauma of rape. I'm not sure how one copes with that. I was sexually assaulted a few years back, just groped, so minor in comparison. Still, that moment will be with me for the rest of my life. I think that's a given with any trauma. Have you thought of writing about it? If you like to write, a good essay on your experience might act as a release, with the bonus of offering comfort to other women. I need to practice what I preach, though. My writing instructor is always encouraging me to write essays, and I just procrastinate. That's a whole other problem that needs to be dealt with. :?

Because my mind needs a distraction, I'm trying to avoid situations where I'm alone, bored, and open to dwelling on things. Human contact is always good. That one can be a challenge for me since I'm no longer working, but just getting outside, walking the dog, and chatting with neighbours does so much to lift my spirits and take me out of that dark place.

I've also been going to my psych a lot more in recent months. Unfortunately, her time is so limited, I always feel rushed, but I also feel much better for having gone.

When I'm alone, two things that distract me in a positive way are reading (good novels, not news), and music. Music is probably the biggest healer for me. Putting on some favourite songs, and just dancing around a little, that can take me to another place. Sometimes it even helps to listen to songs that have depressing lyrics about abuse or whatever, but I relate to them, and they bring me comfort. Does that sound weird? You mentioned your drumming, and I think that's great. There's something magical about music, whether listening to it or creating it. I think we should all put on a favourite record today and dance. ABBA, anyone? :)

I was nodding all the way through that, Kathy, I have always kept myself very busy because I find it keeps my mind occupied and I can't think about 'stuff' too much.  That said, my health is starting to suffer now and I've been having to slow down a bit.  The doctor put me on a low dose of anti depressant and I have to say (after having horrible experiences with those sort of drugs years ago) that it is helping, it's just keeping my mind calm enough for me to be in control of it rather than it controlling me.  I'm trying to meditate and do yoga each day, even just for five minutes, and to spend time in the garden and out walking whenever possible.

I tend to try and avoid the news as much as I can; some days I know I can cope with it and some days I know I can't.  I have filled my Facebook feed with positive, environmentally friendly, peace and love type groups so that I have a 'good news' feed to turn to when I need to.  I can't cope with the helplessness; I feel there isn't a huge amount I can do other than look after myself well, be nice to people and give away a few quid here and there to someone who needs it when I have it to spare.

Sexual assault is never minor or trivial, Kathy, whichever form it takes, my T really drummed that into me.  Apparently it is quite common for people who've been through it to trivialise or diminish what happened but the invasion of privacy, the refusal to recognise boundaries, the lack of concern for the other person, they're all the same whichever way someone does something you don't want them too.  It's on my mind a lot more these days, the number of men who think laying hands on someone is perfectly okay, the victim blaming that goes on, I've been talking to friends and not a single one hasn't at some time had sexual attention forced on them.  I'm not talking about a guy trying for a kiss at the end of a date but women who have been sitting minding their own business and suddenly found a man with his hands on them.  I think we really need to drum it into our sons that casually groping women is never acceptable and into our daughters that it's never 'not a big deal'.  Obviously women abuse as well so perhaps it would be more appropriate for it to be all encompassing to both sexes.  I suppose I think more about male to female because that was my experience.

I love to dance!  And yes, sad music, or even music written by someone who's had a bad experience even if that isn't what the song's about, I find that very uplifting.  I love listening to Fiona Apple, apparently she was raped and just knowing that makes me hear her songs as being very strong, whatever they might be about.  Someone else I love is Sinead O'Connor; she was talking about Catholic abuse scandals years ago, long before it became public knowledge and received a lot of criticism for it before it became apparent she was right.  I love the fact that she shaved her head in defiance of the record company who wanted her to look more girly and find her very articulate and passionate; I could listen to her all day :)


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Re: How Do You Manage Your Stress?
« Reply #22 on: February 21, 2017, 06:42:55 PM »
Radical idea (and it's a work in progress):

What if what we call stress is actually our struggle to find meaning in the things that happen to us - that we're not able to control? For whatever reason.

Sometimes it's trauma - both the kind that is violent, a one-time life threatening event and the longer term, dominating over-riding of our personal will? Sometimes it's world events that all we can "do" about it is voice an opinion or cast a vote - because we're not in a position currently to make a difference. Sometimes it's just randomness of LIFE. Those "accidents" or "life events" where a person asks, one way or another, "why me?"

I dunno. Maybe this idea won't stick. I'm working with it a little... and reading a book about such things.
Success is never final, failure is never fatal.


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Re: How Do You Manage Your Stress?
« Reply #23 on: February 22, 2017, 07:30:41 AM »

Four questions the medicine man would ask you.....

Tupp was talking about dancing..... I used to love to dance.  I miss it lately. 

Yesterday our education consultant brought up the four questions... I'm putting it here.



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Re: How Do You Manage Your Stress?
« Reply #24 on: March 02, 2017, 01:25:00 AM »
I like this blogger's theme of "permission for women."

See what you think.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: How Do You Manage Your Stress?
« Reply #25 on: March 03, 2017, 09:55:13 AM »
Hi Hops:

I liked this link.

This is the thing.... I've been unable to process and assimilate this kind of information in my life over the last 10 years or so.  I WANT so badly to implement and make lasting change.  I've tried.

I see information that educates and informs.... that should help me put self care rituals in place, but up to very recent weeks I've only been able to latch on to concepts in a meaning lasting way.  I can begin, but not endure which leads to guilt and shame, and more trouble focusing and shifting out of fear mode, IME.

Becoming aware of my inner world, mostly the painful/uncomfortable/negative/judgemental/overwhelmed/alarmed parts, may be making it possible for me to take this site's information on board, finally, as a permanent part of my care routine.

I have to write this all out, for myself here....

Calming my amygdala.... with all it's small and large alarm bells clanging.... blocked my ability to integrate new helpful actions back into my life. I used to HAVE THEM.  I used to live them, and be soothed, and uplifted, and organized through them in all aspects of my life.  Something happened that I couldn't do that anymore, and dealing with THAT, which is utter surprise and astonished relief for me...... is creating a shift in my ability to engage in self care and assimilate new information.... like the site you provided. 

It feels like I can finally SEE it.... not just be aware of it on the outside....... this kind of information I've thirsted for,  it's a repeating them on the board..... I feel like I can apply it and it's not about making a plan, or committing... it's about just waking up one day and doing it. 

Like I just DID after discovering how my brain reacts to feeling at the mercy of, without control over things I'm responsible for.  I just shifted.... like flipping a switch in my brain.  I'm working on flipping the switch... hopefully so I can do it at will, and learning how to trust, and feel safe again so I can learn from the site you provided.

It's more information about how to get back in the ZONE, not just a TO DO list of self care routines... but how to find our own secret recipe.  Can't wait to get into it.

I feel like I'm stumbling and stuttering right now, and it's been very helpful to share on the board, even though I'm repeating stuff and finally getting things other members have had.... it's just very.... much..... like alchemy, IME.



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Re: How Do You Manage Your Stress?
« Reply #26 on: March 03, 2017, 11:06:51 AM »
Stumbling and stuttering and sharing is exactly what the board is for, ime!
And try not to compare yourself to others' experiences or assume yours is less or failing or whatever that competitive critical person who sometimes visits your brain is muttering about. Just be kind to yourself.
That's what I'm working on...trying to actively be my own friend.

You're healing from and integrating a lot, Light, using a whole lot of tools that feel right for you.

BRAVA. (And glad you liked that blog. Me, I've never been driven to accomplish, I'm like her
very very slow germinator type. Never been anywhere close to a Type A, more like Type Z)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: How Do You Manage Your Stress?
« Reply #27 on: March 04, 2017, 09:47:49 AM »

I won't go on and on about my first appt with somatic T yesterday, but she said a lot of things you've written on the board throughout the years.

In the telling of my story TO her, which was much longer than the last time I tried to relate my story to a T over 10 years ago for myself..... this somatic T kept slowing my roll, asking me to "return to my feet, to feel into my feet, to look out the window and see the beautiful day" blah blah blah, and it made me think.....


The stuff Hops talked about all those years ago and I COULD HAVE DONE THIS FOR MYSELF for free, and fixed myself THEN had I been able, but I wasn't I FAILED and the Judge did go on.

 :shock: REALLY?  :shock:

The Judge in my head was impatient with all the empathy she was throwing around, much too cavalier about it,
and all her comments on parts and pieces of the story....
Lord I hadn't even gotten started for Pete's sake. 

Wait till she hears THIS..... and sure enough we were stopping again.....
"layered trauma"....



I don't have near the trauma you see regularly, no doubt, (my Judge was thinking.)  This is not childhood abuse trauma.... this is adult stuff, and I'm strong as an ox, and I can carry myself and others, and......sure, I'm a bit squashed, but but but....

I still haven't given her all the larger pieces.  How can that be in an hour and a half?  The Judge wants to know, and maybe if I'd kept my eyes their normal size, and voice level......
 maybe we could have cracked on through, do ya'think? 

When the appt was up, and she was making sure I was OK enough to drive (WHAT T DOES THAT?) the Judge was very agitated, non stop really....... THIS is going to be about wiggling our toes in grass, and touching bark I KNEW IT!

 Umm... the Judge knew it, that is.

The journey continues.

ps  The T is kind of semi retired..... she has alpacas, and wears things made of whatever it is they're covered with... fur or hair... looked like fur.  Very comforting to see a woman dressed in fuzzy warm earth tones head to to, and Mary Janes..... next visit she'll tell me why she "has to dress so comfortably."  Guessing it will be a health problem that sinks my stomach and shoots adrenaline.  She's just so darned nice..... her suffering is will be might be.... heartbreaking, and she won't want me to go there... I'll have to look at my feet, bc she'll stop everything and it will be my feet again.  I'm not to pay attention to the suffering of others, bc it's "activating."

I remember all the times I told people on different boards to "keep their heads where their feet are."  And I knew I wasn't able to follow my own advice consistently... sometimes not at all.  There was something I couldn't get past to get down the path, and DO it.  I couldn't give my attention to it, bc I had to give my attention to the next crisis.  I see that now.  There has to be some safe place to do the work. 

I'm going to finish writing my 3 pages, and affirmations and blurts.... prolly around the above, and get on with my day. 



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Re: How Do You Manage Your Stress?
« Reply #28 on: March 08, 2017, 05:09:42 PM »
Sexual assault is never minor or trivial, Kathy, whichever form it takes, my T really drummed that into me.  Apparently it is quite common for people who've been through it to trivialise or diminish what happened but the invasion of privacy, the refusal to recognise boundaries, the lack of concern for the other person, they're all the same whichever way someone does something you don't want them too.  It's on my mind a lot more these days, the number of men who think laying hands on someone is perfectly okay, the victim blaming that goes on, I've been talking to friends and not a single one hasn't at some time had sexual attention forced on them.

Thanks so much, Tup. It truly is alarming just how many women have experienced some kind of violation, especially in the workplace. Like you, I don’t think I know another woman who hasn’t been harassed or violated in some way. For those who have gone through it, it’s easy to understand why women wait so long to come forward against people like Bill Cosby or Donald Trump, if they come forward at all. The victims are never believed and are always accused of being in it for the money, when in reality, the more powerful the person, the more likely the they are to come after their victim(s) for money. In my case, the man who groped me sued me for defamation of character after they were unable to bring charges based on a lack of witnesses. The suit was dropped after a second woman came forward, but she refused to press charges because she was frightened of retaliation. That’s why these celebrity accusers tend to appear all at once ... there’s strength in numbers. No matter what happened, even if just verbal harassment, it’s terrible to have that invalidated by people saying things like “it was only locker room talk,” or "maybe you're just overly sensitive."

Maybe we trivialise it because of all the doubt, denial, and outright disbelief of the general public. So when it happens, we may tend to think, but so-and-so had it worse, or this is just common "guy stuff," and I'm making too much out of it. Or maybe it's our backgrounds as N daughters. Our N mothers raised us to believe that a violation of boundries was normal and acceptable. Subsequently, we may be more vulnerable, and when it happens, remain more silent.

I'm so glad you mentioned Fiona Apple. I love her too, as well as Tori Amos, who is a rape survivor. I haven't listened to either one in quite some time, but have now started again. I love Tori's "Crucify." My gosh, what a powerful song.

Why do we
crucify ourselves
every day
I crucify myself
nothing I do is good enough for you ....

Thank goodness for these women who empower us through music. It helps. It really does.


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Re: How Do You Manage Your Stress?
« Reply #29 on: March 08, 2017, 05:18:42 PM »
Stumbling and stuttering and sharing is exactly what the board is for, ime!

YES! I don't always have time to reply to everyone, but I do read all the posts. I appreciate the stream-of-consciousness, long stumbling sharing of thoughts. I relate to SO much of it, and it helps more than you can know. Just let it out, keep it coming. Hugs to all. :)