I hope so, for you Mud. I hope happiness comes. You deserve to be happy.
What resonated strongly for me in your posts is something that feels so familiar it took me right back to those relationships of mine. The ones during which I learned it was...me. Not bad me or guilty me but anxious lonely me who couldn't see myself clearly. The objects of my
affections obsessions were several different people over time, sequentially. But ME, that pattern was the same.
I remember obsessively looking into every encounter or message exchanged for an explanation that would be LOGICAL (he said or promised this so of course I thought that). And, in fact, I was looking for evidence or exchanges that I could use in a way as EVIDENCE that my hurt was unjustified.
It was. In the sense that life's not fair and I had to learn to accept a No (or to read it in behavior if I was getting mixed signals in words). And a couple times, the other DID do me wrong (lying, etc). Still, more than once, I was devastated that the yearning I felt was not reciprocated. Or the other, initially enthusiastic, changed their mind. I had a horrible, terrible, awful time accepting their No.
Looking back on those unrequited agonies, I realized that there was no peace in the relationship. There was desire and drama and anxiety and tension and urgency and speed, which I confused with love. Passion don't pass the potatoes. Though it adds spice.
What I fantasize about now is more agape plus affection plus commitment plus shared interests plus chemistry. At 68, I still enjoy chemistry, but passion is not priority one any more. Old-shoe comfort means more, affectionate and peaceful trust and belonging. I guess, for me, I'd describe what I seek as
powerful tenderness. You're still a young feller, and I am certain a handsome one...I wish you powerful tenderness. May you find it and be well. Sending hope!
This might be an interesting read.
https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/traversing-the-inner-terrain/201104/the-rescuer-identityI remember you talking about how hurt and damaged the other young woman was too, which made me think of the Rescuer thing. Might not resonate or maybe bits of it.