However, hopes/wishes/thoughts/insights/changes....all welcome here!
I don't do "resolutions" because it sets me up for shame when/if I fail. But I do have hopes.
Some feel fainter with age in some ways, but a few of them are a little stronger.
Finding a life partner. Do have an upcoming date, sweet fellow, but for the first time in a while I have recently felt the likelihood fade. Been trying on, what if this is just how it is, living alone indefinitely...and working on more acceptance of that possibility.
Financial security. Have taken a huge hit so far with the market and my wee nest egg has a big hole in it. I know it may get worse before it gets better and yet, for me, withdrawing everything makes no sense. I'm not someone who can or will time and track and spot and pick. Had a talk with the TIAA advisor and he convinced me I'm very well diversified and long haul is still the best thinking. I hope that's not knee-jerk how anyone in his profession thinks. They've been wrong before. But I don't see a better option for myself, honestly. Had thoughts of building a wee cottage on the back lot (zoning would allow) as an ADU (accessory dwelling unit) or a wing on my house...but either effort would devour it all and be illiquid. Friend who knows $$ urges me not to.
Getting wee step by step back into more enjoyment of/attention to my home. Out of loneliness, I think, I stopped believing that my little decor or domestic efforts had any meaning. Stopped feeling joy in it. Why bother, go back to bed (obvs depression thinking). couch will be back soon, transformed with the deep aqua fabric and lemon-yellow mid-century-mod legs...and I find myself quite excited about it. Maybe the drying rack got me going again. I need Amber/Lighter attitude. And I need to entertain more. Soup supper nights, whatever. I need to bring more people in more often, since going out to eat/meet all the time is growing unaffordable.
Decluttering. Since finding the affordable friend-of-friend to help now and then, more hopeful. Bought a used monitor, bigger, locally...and am imagining again that the Writer Study could actually become that serene space I dreamed of when I first figured out the room. So, hope there.
Health. Been walking more, eating better. Nearly entirely off dairy and eggs (unless I'm out). Have the preventive supervised exercise program starting end of month. I am sobered by the effects of the two years of serious sedentariness (weaker legs, quicker fatigue, etc) but beginning to push back. And there's a weekly Tai Chi class at my church I may begin tomorrow.
Mental health. Feeling very good about new T after two sessions. If she can help me get further unstuck (so I take actions in life rather than just have insights in my head) I will be so relieved.
I like the NY feelings.