Sigh. Not a relationship ender, but the inevitable pink flag. Can't be all honeymoon all the time, so I'm evaluating this.
M is constantly talking and charming and storytelling. He's very dynamic and delightful. He's mostly fascinating and everyone I've introduced him to has enjoyed his company and been enthusiastic about us.
First time I've disliked him for anything happened yesterday. Two female friends were hanging out on my patio with us and he started talking about his first wife, the mother of his children. They had a painful second half (20 year marriage) that ended in one of those dramas wherein she had the house emptied one day when he was at work. I know that shocked and hurt him terribly and always felt so sorry when he'd mention it. But then yesterday, he holds forth about her for 40 minutes in front of two women friends of mine he'd only met once before each...and the way he tells the story I am disturbed and uncomfortable. He goes on about how awful she is, how one of her sons won't even talk to her, and then adds a gleeful anecdote about how his aggressive divorce lawyer advised him to go after half her federal pension. And he's so proud of that.
I suddenly realized that I think he's part of the problem. Not just the victim of a terrible person, although I have no reason to disbelieve that she turned into one over their marriage. He has told me they loved each other at the beginning and for some years were happy. But he clearly blames her for all of it...being very competitive with him, resentful about his career, etc. Yet he also has had overwhelming academic ambition, too. He acknowledged that once privately, when I was expressing compassion for her, and that she may have felt powerless.
Suddenly I thought, she was deeply unhappy, felt unappreciated (she had a good government job and also raised the kids, whom he adores but I wonder how deeply involved he was day to day)....etc. She may have dark characteristics (she is Norwegian and he blames some of it on that culture as though she's from a Bergman movie) and is estranged from her parents, whom he describes as this lovely old couple she's just randomly cruel to. I wondered instantly, could she be an abuse survivor?
He appears to have vigorously taken up the cause of her ancient parents, befriending them and encouraging the kids to be in relationship to them, which she didn't want. I don't know why, but it sounds as though he chose the kids over her and disregarded her wishes. He just states with complete confidence that they are utterly innocent and she is utterly cruel (she blew off a reconciliation visit). It could be true but sounds too simple.
Anyway, I really don't want to get enmeshed in the details of it...but I am aware his sons talk to M constantly about her and her being difficult, and though he says he's just very upset about their "suffering" because of her, I find myself thinking he's unconsciously enabling and feeding off their dislike of her.
It just felt to me that he was a martyred victim, bashing the mother of his sons to entertain two women he didn't even know well, and monopolizing as though we were all dazzled coeds at his brilliant knee.
I wrote him later and expressed that I would feel less uncomfortable if he even said anything acknowledging her worth and dignity as a flawed human being. He wrote rationally but without feeling about her beauty, intelligence and being "personable" and that they'd had a happy early marriage. But then refocused on the ugly end of it and her terribleness. All may be correct, but I think he's not seeing how it might feel as a woman and a feminist woman to have listened to him talk about her that way, especially on a social occasion. I found it inappropriate and was very uncomfortable. Something about maybe trying to make women like you by trashing another woman with just one side of a story really sticks in my craw.
I felt withdrawn from him today and when he called tonight with his usual sweet murmury talk, I didn't feel our usual connection.
It's a difficult moment. We usually can talk through things but this one worries me. In case it's symbolic of some overall lack of empathy or dismissal of opinions or perspectives that don't fit his narrative. (He is always absolute in his confidence about ideas, all that...) I don't THINK so because he's so kind and generous and attentive and crazy about me, all of that...but for the first time, I feel unsure.
Tomorrow night I go there for dinner and we'll talk. I hope to hell we have a serious talk and he doesn't just blow off my thoughts. I do not want to be involved in his boycott or blaming of his ex. He had another --happy-- marriage in between, fer godsake. But I don't want to listen to him bashing her like that any more. It's not sitting right for some gut reason, and I definitely consider it a pink flag.
Thanks for listening,