Author Topic: Relationship/s  (Read 139571 times)


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Re: Relationship
« Reply #45 on: April 09, 2019, 03:05:12 PM »
And thank you, (((((((Tupp))))))!

In my rush to post today I missed seeing your latest. You're right, I can say No to his queries. I hope he learns in time to have the EQ not to bring it up without maybe gently checking, like, is this an okay time to ask you something about your D? If he approached it that way, I'd have a chance to take a deep breath and ready myself and I'll bet 90% of the time I'd say Yes! But though he's a sensitive person, I don't know yet if he's THAT sensitive.

Still, I love him for who he is and it's 90% pure happiness at the mo'.

I really am touched by y'all's vicarious happiness for me. It's so generous.

How is it that blundering into an internet forum (thank you, Doc G!), I found some of the best people anywhere?????

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Relationship
« Reply #46 on: April 11, 2019, 02:56:15 PM »
Your voice sounds quite clear around boundaries, what's finished, what's possible, and your understanding of these painful pieces.

 I hope M understands without too much struggle.



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Re: Relationship
« Reply #47 on: April 11, 2019, 03:04:35 PM »
Thanks, Lighter. I appreciate it.

And to my great relief, last night (Part Two) went well. He really listened. (Well, first babbled about scholars a bit, but then settled in and really heard me.) He also understands that I won't want to talk about it casually or frequently.

And one amazing outcome was that despite his kind of "I the professor understand all things" sometime demeanor...he opened up and became vulnerable himself, sharing a lot of stuff about his first marriage. He even said hearing my thought that my D gained a sense of power (when she felt utterly collapsed in her life and with no control at all over anything) from discovering how it felt to reject me (sad but true)... suddenly made him understand something about his ex, who continues to resent and be punitive toward him, even though they haven't seen each other in 20 years.

It was hard but worth doing, and afterward we had our usual wonderful time. Dinner, talking talking talking, and feeling mutual wonder at our good luck in finding each other. It's still amazing. And I'm still very happy about it!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Relationship
« Reply #48 on: April 21, 2019, 09:09:56 PM »
Hi, Hops.

Update please?



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Re: Relationship
« Reply #49 on: April 22, 2019, 07:14:01 PM »
Still joyful, happy and deeply grateful.
We are in sync, talking about the future,
mulling over options and scenarios.

It's hard to believe it's been just three months,
he so feels like part of me. He feels the same.

I am moving from stunned to ... inner peace.
He is the person who came along when I needed
My Person, and warts and all (on both ends), we fit.

So far it remains true and I'm really happy about it.

He writes me ridiculously romantic emails and continues
to cook gourmet dinners for me twice a week. His obsession
with Great Food is one reason he's too heavy, but it's a pleasant
problem for me. Long term, I'll be concerned about his health,
but other than offering a quiet example as I make and often bring
what I call Industrial Salads, that's all I want to do.

There is a deep emotional connection and affinity between us
that is really astonishing and moving. He has two more years
of being a professor to go, so we're doing everything from looking
at listings of houses in Sonoma to reconsidering staying here, living
together in his big house while I rent out mine... and who knows
what else. Lots of travel ideas too (he's invited to lecture in Beijing)....

It's just ri di cu lous and despite various fears of change, I'm happy!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Relationship
« Reply #50 on: April 22, 2019, 09:48:29 PM »
Wowsers, Hops... that's some update. 

And, it feels like 2 weeks to me! 
Three months?!?
 Holy cow!  That's a relationship!


You're in a wonderful relationship, HOPS!

::jumping up and down::.

This is so different.  So joyful.  So relaxed, and comfortable! 

I couldn't be happier for you... not at all. 

Thanks for checking in.



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Re: Relationship
« Reply #51 on: April 23, 2019, 10:43:45 PM »
Just so you know how serious this is...
he's interested in joining my exercise class
and asked what to wear, since he has sweats
or jeans or a tutu...

I picked the tutu. And we've been writing ridiculous
emails to each other all evening.

Turns out, for some weird academic insanity reason
he DOES have a tutu...two! Both a green and a gray one,
that match his Georgetown Crew cap (he must've been
a sponsor). So now he's threatening to wear it and I'm
egging him on.

He is, ummm, quite adipose. So, you can imagine......

 :lol: :lol: :lol:

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Relationship
« Reply #52 on: April 24, 2019, 08:29:09 AM »
That's GOT to feel pretty dang good Hops. Best wishes for fun, gratitude, sharing and togetherness as you go forward.
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Re: Relationship
« Reply #53 on: April 24, 2019, 08:35:21 AM »
Hops, that is so lovely.  That sense of fun and silliness is what is missing from a lot of relationships, I feel.  To be in that situation where you can have a daft joke but also deep and intelligent conversations, know when to joke and when not to - to be secure enough in your self to wear a tutu (and he has a choice of colours!  I love him :) ).  Wow, so lovely to read xx


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Re: Relationship
« Reply #54 on: April 24, 2019, 01:19:35 PM »
Oh, the joy of watching chubby little bodies thunk across the floor in tutus.


I vote he wears the green one.




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Re: Relationship
« Reply #55 on: May 01, 2019, 03:03:38 PM »
And on we go....
very happy Bday in the nearest large city.
Wandered the wonderful turn-o'-century neighborhood with its fabulous restored homes, ate at a Cuban lunchery I'd looked up (he has Cuban roots too, the heritage is insane--Costa Rican, Manhattan, Spain, Cuba, Ireland...fascinating muttage). And he looks 100% Irish so it's funny when he bursts into Spanish all the time with his colleagues or on the phone. Drank beer, talked, laughed, wandered, got silly, toured a condo open house for the hell of it, patted a huge Malinois who was mellow as a St. Bernard (uncharacteristically)...drove home the pretty way that adds 10 minutes in exchange for often being the only vehicle on long stretches of tree canopied road, fields each side. I'll never understand why people forgo that drive for the bland interstate, but suits me they do!

We're waking slowly from the honeymoon-feelings torpor but working our way through things pretty well, communication is good. A few sticky points (he keeps mentioning my D in a tragic tone and I have asked him to stop bringing it up more than once) -- but nothing we can't work our way through.

And we have building anticipation about our trip to Paris (then me to Oslo and him to Jerusalem to lecture for a week, then Istanbul...but he's cutting out the Madrid leg because he says he'd rather come back to be with me). Turns out he'd told himself this sweeping trip would be a kind of funereal tour because he was in such grief, and was beginning to think his life was over (at 72!). Now that we're together he's got a different mindset.

I found a dog sitter who's solid as the earth which is a great load off my mind. She radiates calm and responsibility and I'm so relieved she'll be here with Pooch, whom I've never left for so long.

The where-to-live question does loom and I want to drag it out but pretty much think it's inevitable that I'll need to move into his house. Even though I loathe wealthy white enclaves it is a pretty space, right on a lake, and only 10 minutes farther from downtown than I am now. It'll be emotionally very hard to leave my sweet home, but given that mine's too small for two (and he has generations of family Stuff, sigh) and I'll have two rooms of my own at his (a bedroom and study), it is just not rational to resist the logic of it. He's still looking at sweet properties in the Bay Area but as far as I can tell, we're seeing home base as here, and long visits out our solution. He sounds happy about it (staying here near his friends where he's been for 20 years, and before than in DC which isn't far)...and maybe having a house or condo out where his sons are will increase his feelings of freedom and security -- and he says it'll be a smart investment regardless.

Makes sense. I don't know if it'll be this fall or next fall, but I need to get ready to rent mine out at some point. Don't have to make the decision or the move in any rush, though. We already are together 3 times/week on average, sometimes more.

So far, so good! And I am still very very grateful.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Relationship
« Reply #56 on: May 01, 2019, 11:30:27 PM »
Lots of gratitude there, Hops. 

Glad the birthday was nice.   

I'm sorry you aren't excited about moving into his home.  Having 2 rooms designated for your sole use is better a positive, IMO.  I hope your comfort level increases.  You need to be happy with the plans too.  Don't settle for something you can't be happy with.   

I'm excited about the travel.  Excited about his ability to reframe his life, and views.  Hurrying home to you, rather than completing his planned funereal tour, is a wonderful thing. 

Finding a good dog sitter takes the stress off that piece.  Good job.  You don't want to worry about pooch while you're away.

I have compassion for his inability to understand the situation with your dd.  He doesn't get it.  He can't.  It won't compute for him.  He needs it to, so he continues looping back, even though you asked him not to.  I have compassion for you, and for him
in that.  I don't know how you help him. 



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Re: Relationship
« Reply #57 on: May 02, 2019, 08:36:11 AM »
Hops, the only thing I can suggest about the DD topic - is to tell him flat out, that spending time thinking/talking about the topic upsets you and is painful to the point that you're in danger of recycling into the past and all those emotions and not enjoying yourself in the here & now. That even tho you KNOW this isn't perfect or even what you want, it is, WHAT IS - for now.

And then, when he brings the topic up in passing - ignore it. Move on to another topic. He'll remember with enough practice, even if it's not something possible in HIS lexicon of experience.
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Re: Relationship
« Reply #58 on: May 02, 2019, 09:22:04 AM »
That's such a lovely update, Hops, I'm glad you're having such a good time and there's so much going on.  I can understand the wrench of leaving your place at some point but renting it out rather than selling it makes good sense and I suspect that Mr Tutu will be very open to any decorating/re-arranging suggestions you have at your new mutual home.  And will the rent money give you a bit of an income or will it all go on maintaining the property?  Just wondered if it might help your financial situation a little.

Glad pooch has a good dog sitter lined up!  Very necessary to have someone you feel happy with.  And yes, I get the difficulty with talking about D.  I was talking to some other parents of children with disabilities yesterday and we were all saying how hard it is to have to keep explaining our kids' problems to every person we come into contact with.  Not quite the same situation as D, I know, but that having to keep digging deep is just too much.  I think he'll get the hang of it.  Maybe you can train pooch to chuck a ball at him each time he does it :) Lol.

I'm glad it's going so well.  You sound really happy and it just sounds kind of easy.  Which is so lovely.  I'm really chuffed for you xx


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Re: Relationship
« Reply #59 on: May 09, 2019, 06:47:04 PM »
The rent money will be wonderful!
Mr. Tutu's suggestion is that I can use it to fix up this house.
I may squirrel it away out of my depression-era-ish fear of poverty.
Which I know, and YOU know, sucks. But that's tempting, even if
I never live here again. But I could one day, if I outlive him. Which
I don't want to do, simply because I don't want him to grieve.

He's also stated that he intends to pay my living expenses once
we are living together. Plus travel. And I believe him. It's ridiculous.
I did insist  on being responsible for my own 2-day visit to Norway,
since he's doing everything else re. Paris. That plus 10 days of dogsitter...$$!                               
In October, we'll go to California to visit  the granddaughter due then.
And it's going to be Costa Rica for Christmas. His brother and sister
are there, and all their kids. 

The thing is, it has sunk in that I have found My Person. And A FAMILY!
He has told me over and over that he wants to spend the rest of his life with me.
And I just say, "I feel the same." I do! I think we'd be smart to live together a
while before formalize it, but we both see marriage as the point, ultimately.

My Person. Not to mention my Pooch's Person! He stuffs her with treats
and then while he's             rubbing her belly gives me a side-eye and
says,   "She's my dog now." We banter and tease about her all the time.
I finally conceded that she is clearly 49% his dog. This is a joyful fantasy
come true. I have fantasized for YEARS about doting on a dog with a beloved
partner,  bantering and teasing together.  And this is happening. It's crazy.

His youngest son arri ves for aweek this weekend and Ican't wait to meet him.

love and thanks fo rlistening! (Cursed laptop's in the shop.)
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."