I AM SO FRUSTRATED BY THE LACK OF ACCOUNTABILITY WITH ALL THINGS JUSTICE/FAMILY COURT SYSTEM, CHILD PROTECTIVE SERVICES/DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, AND POLICE TRAINING right now, and I don't understand how the people in CHARGE OF TRAINING aren't ever ever ever seemintly ever held accountable for the cocked up actions of their officers
HOW in the world do we prosecute a poorly trained police officer when they were obviously not trained properly, and likely unable to control their emotions well enough to be wielding a GUN in public, around children, and members of society that are obviously going to suffer bc of that poor training, and inability to control their emotions under stress.
And don't get me started on hiring bigots, bullies, and PD predators..... who's responsible for these hirings, and WHY AREN'T WE READING ABOUT THOSE FAILURES!!!????!!!
It's like watching one of the bank officers at my bank get fired for the failings of the guys who made a butt load of money off the strategies the instructed the scapegoat bank officers to carry out.
OK, it's the money, and corruption, and the broken system, but WTH?
Ya, we're all fighting our own dragons, BUT THESE ARE THE DRAGONS in every community. THESE are THE PRIMARY INDICATING DRAGONS FOR HOW SICK A SOCIETY IS GOING TO GET, and we seem to keep getting sicker and sicker.
I don't understand why it's so damned difficult to identify the SOURCE of the problem or at least attempt to trace it back, and stop scapegoating and vivtimizing the symptoms..... the improperly trained, and supervised officers. The officers going along to get along, idenitfied as the problem but a small cog in the broken SYSTEM.
It's rot from the top down, not the bottom up, IME.
I see heroes mixed in at every level, so I know there's HOPE. I see people who care, and fight, and rage against the system. I see them call attention, and spend their lives wading into KNOWNS. They KNOW what's broken, and they're working within the system, and watching the suffering continue generation after generation, and I'm just so fucked off with it.
I think watching Trump leave the Kurdish fighters to be slaughtered.... and their children, and families..... is impossible to watch without being triggered for people who have souls and the ability to FEEL appropriate outrage.
THAT entitled sociopathic behavior is where the root of all the problems LIVE, IMO.
ARRRRGGHH..... so fucked off with it.
And shocked there's ZERO the system CAN DO to stop that spoiled out of touch maniac from giving orders in the world that everyone can SEE is insane. Where are the Generals, and the systems to STOP that kind of ass-backward brutality?
Most of the Country seems to care that Trump has Putin's D*CK in his mouth, but nothing that can be done? If it was a woman, she'd be in prison by now, begging for something... a lawyer... a fair trial, the ability to make bail without an ankle bracelet, and hours free to travel during that day that hampers her ability to put forth a defense.
OK, that was my father (sort of an Archie Bunker type) speaking up there, but it's outrageous, and I am disgusted by the silence of all the people who aren't abusing their spouses, children, and systems in place to supposedly protect us, but are instead....
::ending rant::.
::breathing deeply::.
::stepping off soap box::.
EMDR..... I choose EMDR in this moment.